Source code for allel.stats.window

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import numpy as np

from allel.model import SortedIndex
from allel.util import asarray_ndim, ignore_invalid, check_equal_length

[docs]def moving_statistic(values, statistic, size, start=0, stop=None, step=None): """Calculate a statistic in a moving window over `values`. Parameters ---------- values : array_like The data to summarise. statistic : function The statistic to compute within each window. size : int The window size (number of values). start : int, optional The index at which to start. stop : int, optional The index at which to stop. step : int, optional The distance between start positions of windows. If not given, defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows. Returns ------- out : ndarray, shape (n_windows,) Examples -------- >>> import allel >>> values = [2, 5, 8, 16] >>> allel.stats.moving_statistic(values, np.sum, size=2) array([ 7, 24]) >>> allel.stats.moving_statistic(values, np.sum, size=2, step=1) array([ 7, 13, 24]) """ windows = index_windows(values, size, start, stop, step) # setup output out = np.array([statistic(values[i:j]) for i, j in windows]) return out
def index_windows(values, size, start, stop, step): """Convenience function to construct windows for the :func:`moving_statistic` function. """ # determine step if stop is None: stop = len(values) if step is None: # non-overlapping step = size # iterate over windows for window_start in range(start, stop, step): window_stop = window_start + size if window_stop > stop: # ensure all windows are equal sized raise StopIteration yield (window_start, window_stop) def position_windows(pos, size, start, stop, step): """Convenience function to construct windows for the :func:`windowed_statistic` and :func:`windowed_count` functions. """ last = False # determine start and stop positions if start is None: start = pos[0] if stop is None: stop = pos[-1] if step is None: # non-overlapping step = size windows = [] for window_start in range(start, stop, step): # determine window stop window_stop = window_start + size if window_stop >= stop: # last window window_stop = stop last = True else: window_stop -= 1 windows.append([window_start, window_stop]) if last: break return np.asarray(windows) def window_locations(pos, windows): """Locate indices in `pos` corresponding to the start and stop positions of `windows`. """ start_locs = np.searchsorted(pos, windows[:, 0]) stop_locs = np.searchsorted(pos, windows[:, 1], side='right') locs = np.column_stack((start_locs, stop_locs)) return locs
[docs]def windowed_count(pos, size=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None, windows=None): """Count the number of items in windows over a single chromosome/contig. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like, int, shape (n_items,) The item positions in ascending order, using 1-based coordinates.. size : int, optional The window size (number of bases). start : int, optional The position at which to start (1-based). stop : int, optional The position at which to stop (1-based). step : int, optional The distance between start positions of windows. If not given, defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows. windows : array_like, int, shape (n_windows, 2), optional Manually specify the windows to use as a sequence of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. Overrides the size/start/stop/step parameters. Returns ------- counts : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows,) The number of items in each window. windows : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows, 2) The windows used, as an array of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. Notes ----- The window stop positions are included within a window. The final window will be truncated to the specified stop position, and so may be smaller than the other windows. Examples -------- Non-overlapping windows:: >>> import allel >>> pos = [1, 7, 12, 15, 28] >>> counts, windows = allel.stats.windowed_count(pos, size=10) >>> counts array([2, 2, 1]) >>> windows array([[ 1, 10], [11, 20], [21, 28]]) Half-overlapping windows:: >>> counts, windows = allel.stats.windowed_count(pos, size=10, step=5) >>> counts array([2, 3, 2, 0, 1]) >>> windows array([[ 1, 10], [ 6, 15], [11, 20], [16, 25], [21, 28]]) """ # assume sorted positions if not isinstance(pos, SortedIndex): pos = SortedIndex(pos, copy=False) # setup windows if windows is None: windows = position_windows(pos, size, start, stop, step) else: windows = asarray_ndim(windows, 2) # find window locations locs = window_locations(pos, windows) # count number of items in each window counts = np.diff(locs, axis=1).reshape(-1) return counts, windows
[docs]def windowed_statistic(pos, values, statistic, size=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None, windows=None, fill=np.nan): """Calculate a statistic from items in windows over a single chromosome/contig. Parameters ---------- pos : array_like, int, shape (n_items,) The item positions in ascending order, using 1-based coordinates.. values : array_like, int, shape (n_items,) The values to summarise. May also be a tuple of values arrays, in which case each array will be sliced and passed through to the statistic function as separate arguments. statistic : function The statistic to compute. size : int, optional The window size (number of bases). start : int, optional The position at which to start (1-based). stop : int, optional The position at which to stop (1-based). step : int, optional The distance between start positions of windows. If not given, defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows. windows : array_like, int, shape (n_windows, 2), optional Manually specify the windows to use as a sequence of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. Overrides the size/start/stop/step parameters. fill : object, optional The value to use where a window is empty, i.e., contains no items. Returns ------- out : ndarray, shape (n_windows,) The value of the statistic for each window. windows : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows, 2) The windows used, as an array of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. counts : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows,) The number of items in each window. Notes ----- The window stop positions are included within a window. The final window will be truncated to the specified stop position, and so may be smaller than the other windows. Examples -------- Count non-zero (i.e., True) items in non-overlapping windows:: >>> import allel >>> pos = [1, 7, 12, 15, 28] >>> values = [True, False, True, False, False] >>> nnz, windows, counts = allel.stats.windowed_statistic( ... pos, values, statistic=np.count_nonzero, size=10 ... ) >>> nnz array([1, 1, 0]) >>> windows array([[ 1, 10], [11, 20], [21, 28]]) >>> counts array([2, 2, 1]) Compute a sum over items in half-overlapping windows:: >>> values = [3, 4, 2, 6, 9] >>> x, windows, counts = allel.stats.windowed_statistic( ... pos, values, statistic=np.sum, size=10, step=5, fill=0 ... ) >>> x array([ 7, 12, 8, 0, 9]) >>> windows array([[ 1, 10], [ 6, 15], [11, 20], [16, 25], [21, 28]]) >>> counts array([2, 3, 2, 0, 1]) """ # assume sorted positions if not isinstance(pos, SortedIndex): pos = SortedIndex(pos, copy=False) # check lengths are equal if isinstance(values, tuple): # assume multiple values arrays check_equal_length(pos, *values) else: # assume a single values array check_equal_length(pos, values) # setup windows if windows is None: windows = position_windows(pos, size, start, stop, step) else: windows = asarray_ndim(windows, 2) # find window locations locs = window_locations(pos, windows) # setup outputs out = [] counts = [] # iterate over windows for start_idx, stop_idx in locs: # calculate number of values in window n = stop_idx - start_idx if n == 0: # window is empty s = fill else: if isinstance(values, tuple): # assume multiple values arrays wv = [v[start_idx:stop_idx] for v in values] s = statistic(*wv) else: # assume a single values array wv = values[start_idx:stop_idx] s = statistic(wv) # store outputs out.append(s) counts.append(n) # convert to arrays for output return np.asarray(out), windows, np.asarray(counts)
[docs]def per_base(x, windows, is_accessible=None, fill=np.nan): """Calculate the per-base value of a windowed statistic. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (n_windows,) The statistic to average per-base. windows : array_like, int, shape (n_windows, 2) The windows used, as an array of (window_start, window_stop) positions using 1-based coordinates. is_accessible : array_like, bool, shape (len(contig),), optional Boolean array indicating accessibility status for all positions in the chromosome/contig. fill : object, optional Use this value where there are no accessible bases in a window. Returns ------- y : ndarray, float, shape (n_windows,) The input array divided by the number of (accessible) bases in each window. n_bases : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows,) The number of (accessible) bases in each window """ # calculate window sizes if is_accessible is None: # N.B., window stops are included n_bases = np.diff(windows, axis=1).reshape(-1) + 1 else: n_bases = np.array([np.count_nonzero(is_accessible[i-1:j]) for i, j in windows]) # deal with multidimensional x if x.ndim == 1: pass elif x.ndim == 2: n_bases = n_bases[:, None] else: raise NotImplementedError('only arrays of 1 or 2 dimensions supported') # calculate density per-base with ignore_invalid(): y = np.where(n_bases > 0, x / n_bases, fill) # restore to 1-dimensional if n_bases.ndim > 1: n_bases = n_bases.reshape(-1) return y, n_bases # TODO windowed_nnz # TODO windowed_nnz_per_base # TODO equally_accessible_windows