Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import csv
from datetime import date
import itertools
from operator import itemgetter
import subprocess
import gzip
import logging
from allel.compat import zip_longest, PY2, text_type, range, unquote_plus

import numpy as np

import allel
from allel.util import asarray_ndim

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
debug = logger.debug


[docs]def write_vcf(path, variants, rename=None, number=None, description=None, fill=None, write_header=True): with open(path, 'w') as vcf_file: if write_header: write_vcf_header(vcf_file, variants=variants, rename=rename, number=number, description=description) write_vcf_data(vcf_file, variants=variants, rename=rename, fill=fill)
def write_vcf_header(vcf_file, variants, rename, number, description): if rename is None: rename = dict() if number is None: number = dict() if description is None: description = dict() # write file format version print('##fileformat=VCFv4.1', file=vcf_file) # write today's date today ='%Y%m%d') print('##fileDate=%s' % today, file=vcf_file) # write source print('##source=scikit-allel-%s' % allel.__version__, file=vcf_file) names = variants.dtype.names info_names = [n for n in names if not n.upper().startswith('FILTER_') and not n.upper() in VCF_FIXED_FIELDS] info_ids = [rename[n] if n in rename else n for n in info_names] # write INFO headers, sorted by ID for name, vcf_id in sorted(zip(info_names, info_ids), key=itemgetter(1)): col = variants[name] # determine VCF Number if name in number: vcf_number = number[name] else: if col.ndim == 1 and col.dtype.kind == 'b': # Flag vcf_number = 0 elif col.ndim == 1: vcf_number = 1 elif col.ndim == 2: vcf_number = col.shape[1] else: raise NotImplementedError('only columns with 1 or two ' 'dimensions are supported') # determine VCF Type kind = col.dtype.kind if kind == 'b': vcf_type = 'Flag' elif kind in 'ui': vcf_type = 'Integer' elif kind == 'f': vcf_type = 'Float' else: vcf_type = 'String' # determine VCF Description if name in description: vcf_description = description[name] else: vcf_description = '' # construct INFO header line header_line = '##INFO=<ID=%s,Number=%s,Type=%s,Description="%s">'\ % (vcf_id, vcf_number, vcf_type, vcf_description) print(header_line, file=vcf_file) filter_names = [n for n in names if n.upper().startswith('FILTER_')] filter_ids = [rename[n] if n in rename else n[7:] for n in filter_names] # write FILTER headers, sorted by ID for name, vcf_id in sorted(zip(filter_names, filter_ids), key=itemgetter(1)): # determine VCF Description if name in description: vcf_description = description[name] else: vcf_description = '' # construct FILTER header line header_line = '##FILTER=<ID=%s,Description="%s">'\ % (vcf_id, vcf_description) print(header_line, file=vcf_file) # write column names line = '#' + '\t'.join(VCF_FIXED_FIELDS) print(line, file=vcf_file) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def write_vcf_data(vcf_file, variants, rename, fill): if rename is None: rename = dict() if fill is None: fill = dict() # find the fixed columns, allowing for case insensitive naming in the # input array col_chrom = None col_pos = None col_id = None col_ref = None col_alt = None col_qual = None for n in variants.dtype.names: if n.upper() == 'CHROM': col_chrom = variants[n] elif n.upper() == 'POS': col_pos = variants[n] elif n.upper() == 'ID': col_id = variants[n] elif n.upper() == 'REF': col_ref = variants[n] elif n.upper() == 'ALT': col_alt = variants[n] elif n.upper() == 'QUAL': col_qual = variants[n] # check for required columns if col_chrom is None: raise ValueError('CHROM column not found') if col_pos is None: raise ValueError('POS column not found') # pad optional columns dot = itertools.repeat('.') if col_id is None: col_id = dot if col_ref is None: col_ref = dot if col_alt is None: col_alt = dot if col_qual is None: col_qual = dot # find FILTER columns filter_names = [n for n in variants.dtype.names if n.upper().startswith('FILTER_')] filter_ids = [rename[n] if n in rename else n[7:] for n in filter_names] filter_cols = [variants[n] for n in filter_names] # sort by ID if filter_names: filters = sorted(zip(filter_names, filter_ids, filter_cols), key=itemgetter(1)) filter_names, filter_ids, filter_cols = zip(*filters) # find INFO columns info_names = [n for n in variants.dtype.names if not n.upper().startswith('FILTER_') and not n.upper() in VCF_FIXED_FIELDS] info_ids = [rename[n] if n in rename else n for n in info_names] info_cols = [variants[n] for n in info_names] # sort by ID if info_names: infos = sorted(zip(info_names, info_ids, info_cols), key=itemgetter(1)) info_names, info_ids, info_cols = zip(*infos) # setup writer writer = csv.writer(vcf_file, delimiter='\t', lineterminator='\n') # zip up data as rows rows = zip(col_chrom, col_pos, col_id, col_ref, col_alt, col_qual) filter_rows = zip(*filter_cols) info_rows = zip(*info_cols) for row, filter_row, info_row in zip_longest(rows, filter_rows, info_rows): # unpack main row chrom, pos, id, ref, alt, qual = row chrom = _vcf_value_str(chrom) pos = _vcf_value_str(pos) id = _vcf_value_str(id) ref = _vcf_value_str(ref) alt = _vcf_value_str(alt, fill=fill.get('ALT', None)) qual = _vcf_value_str(qual) # construct FILTER value if filter_row is not None: flt = [i for i, v in zip(filter_ids, filter_row) if v] if flt: flt = ';'.join(flt) else: flt = 'PASS' else: flt = '.' # construct INFO value if info_row is not None: info_vals = [_vcf_info_str(n, i, v, fill) for n, i, v in zip(info_names, info_ids, info_row)] info_vals = [x for x in info_vals if x is not None] info = ';'.join(info_vals) else: info = '.' # repack row = chrom, pos, id, ref, alt, qual, flt, info writer.writerow(row) def _vcf_value_str(o, fill=None): if isinstance(o, bytes) and not PY2: return str(o, encoding='ascii') elif isinstance(o, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): if fill is None: t = [_vcf_value_str(x) for x in o] else: t = [_vcf_value_str(x) for x in o if x != fill] return ','.join(t) else: return str(o) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def _vcf_info_str(name, id, value, fill): if isinstance(value, (bool, np.bool_)): if bool(value): return id else: return None else: return '%s=%s' % (id, _vcf_value_str(value, fill=fill.get(name, None)))
[docs]def write_fasta(path, sequences, names, mode='w', width=80): """Write nucleotide sequences stored as numpy arrays to a FASTA file. Parameters ---------- path : string File path. sequences : sequence of arrays One or more ndarrays of dtype 'S1' containing the sequences. names : sequence of strings Names of the sequences. mode : string, optional Use 'a' to append to an existing file. width : int, optional Maximum line width. """ # check inputs if isinstance(sequences, np.ndarray): # single sequence sequences = [sequences] names = [names] if len(sequences) != len(names): raise ValueError('must provide the same number of sequences and names') for sequence in sequences: if sequence.dtype != np.dtype('S1'): raise ValueError('expected S1 dtype, found %r' % sequence.dtype) # force binary mode mode = 'ab' if 'a' in mode else 'wb' # write to file with open(path, mode=mode) as fasta: for name, sequence in zip(names, sequences): # force bytes if isinstance(name, text_type): name = name.encode('ascii') header = b'>' + name + b'\n' fasta.write(header) for i in range(0, sequence.size, width): line = sequence[i:i+width].tostring() + b'\n' fasta.write(line)
def gff3_parse_attributes(attributes_string): """Parse a string of GFF3 attributes ('key=value' pairs delimited by ';') and return a dictionary. """ attributes = dict() if not PY2: # convert to ascii string to enable conversion of escaped characters attributes_string = str(attributes_string, encoding='ascii') fields = attributes_string.split(';') for f in fields: if '=' in f: key, value = f.split('=') key = unquote_plus(key).strip() value = unquote_plus(value.strip()) if not PY2: # convert back to bytes value = value.encode('ascii') attributes[key] = value elif len(f) > 0: # not strictly kosher attributes[unquote_plus(f).strip()] = True return attributes
[docs]def iter_gff3(path, attributes=None, region=None, score_fill=-1, phase_fill=-1, attributes_fill=b'.'): # prepare fill values for attributes if attributes is not None: if isinstance(attributes_fill, (list, tuple)): if len(attributes != len(attributes_fill)): raise ValueError('number of fills does not match attributes') else: attributes_fill = [attributes_fill] * len(attributes) # open input stream needs_closing = False if region is not None: cmd = ['tabix', path, region] buffer = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout elif path.endswith('.gz') or path.endswith('.bgz'): buffer =, mode='rb') needs_closing = True else: buffer = open(path, mode='rb') needs_closing = True debug(buffer) try: for line in buffer: if line[0] == b'>': # assume begin embedded FASTA raise StopIteration if line[0] == b'#': # skip comment lines continue vals = line.split(b'\t') if len(vals) == 9: # unpack for processing fseqid, fsource, ftype, fstart, fend, fscore, fstrand, \ fphase, fattrs = vals # convert numerics fstart = int(fstart) fend = int(fend) if fscore == b'.': fscore = score_fill else: fscore = float(fscore) if fphase == b'.': fphase = phase_fill else: fphase = int(fphase) rec = (fseqid, fsource, ftype, fstart, fend, fscore, fstrand, fphase) if attributes is not None: dattrs = gff3_parse_attributes(fattrs) vattrs = tuple( dattrs.get(k, f) for k, f in zip(attributes, attributes_fill) ) rec += vattrs yield rec finally: if needs_closing: buffer.close()
def array_to_hdf5(a, parent, name, **kwargs): """Write a Numpy array to an HDF5 dataset. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Data to write. parent : string or h5py group Parent HDF5 file or group. If a string, will be treated as HDF5 file name. name : string Name or path of dataset to write data into. kwargs : keyword arguments Passed through to h5py require_dataset() function. Returns ------- h5d : h5py dataset """ import h5py h5f = None if isinstance(parent, str): h5f = h5py.File(parent, mode='a') parent = h5f try: kwargs.setdefault('chunks', True) # auto-chunking kwargs.setdefault('dtype', a.dtype) kwargs.setdefault('compression', 'gzip') h5d = parent.require_dataset(name, shape=a.shape, **kwargs) h5d[...] = a return h5d finally: if h5f is not None: h5f.close() # noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring def recarray_from_hdf5_group(*args, **kwargs): """Load a recarray from columns stored as separate datasets with an HDF5 group. Either provide an h5py group as a single positional argument, or provide two positional arguments giving the HDF5 file path and the group node path within the file. The following optional parameters may be given. Parameters ---------- start : int, optional Index to start loading from. stop : int, optional Index to finish loading at. condition : array_like, bool, optional A 1-dimensional boolean array of the same length as the columns of the table to load, indicating a selection of rows to load. """ import h5py h5f = None if len(args) == 1: group = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: file_path, node_path = args h5f = h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') try: group = h5f[node_path] except: h5f.close() raise else: raise ValueError('bad arguments; expected group or (file_path, ' 'node_path), found %s' % repr(args)) try: if not isinstance(group, h5py.Group): raise ValueError('expected group, found %r' % group) # determine dataset names to load available_dataset_names = [n for n in group.keys() if isinstance(group[n], h5py.Dataset)] names = kwargs.pop('names', available_dataset_names) names = [str(n) for n in names] # needed for PY2 for n in names: if n not in set(group.keys()): raise ValueError('name not found: %s' % n) if not isinstance(group[n], h5py.Dataset): raise ValueError('name does not refer to a dataset: %s, %r' % (n, group[n])) # check datasets are aligned datasets = [group[n] for n in names] length = datasets[0].shape[0] for d in datasets[1:]: if d.shape[0] != length: raise ValueError('datasets must be of equal length') # determine start and stop parameters for load start = kwargs.pop('start', 0) stop = kwargs.pop('stop', length) # check condition condition = kwargs.pop('condition', None) condition = asarray_ndim(condition, 1, allow_none=True) if condition is not None and condition.size != length: raise ValueError('length of condition does not match length ' 'of datasets') # setup output data dtype = [(n, d.dtype, d.shape[1:]) for n, d in zip(names, datasets)] ra = np.empty(length, dtype=dtype) for n, d in zip(names, datasets): a = d[start:stop] if condition is not None: a = np.compress(condition[start:stop], a, axis=0) ra[n] = a return ra finally: if h5f is not None: h5f.close() def recarray_to_hdf5_group(ra, parent, name, **kwargs): """Write each column in a recarray to a dataset in an HDF5 group. Parameters ---------- ra : recarray Numpy recarray to store. parent : string or h5py group Parent HDF5 file or group. If a string, will be treated as HDF5 file name. name : string Name or path of group to write data into. kwargs : keyword arguments Passed through to h5py require_dataset() function. Returns ------- h5g : h5py group """ import h5py h5f = None if isinstance(parent, str): h5f = h5py.File(parent, mode='a') parent = h5f try: h5g = parent.require_group(name) for n in ra.dtype.names: array_to_hdf5(ra[n], h5g, n, **kwargs) return h5g finally: if h5f is not None: h5f.close()