Source code for allel.bcolz

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides alternative implementations of array interfaces defined in
the :mod:`allel.model` module, using `bcolz <>`_
compressed arrays (:class:`bcolz.carray`) instead of numpy arrays for data
storage. Compressed arrays can use either main memory or be stored on disk.
In either case, the use of compressed arrays enables analysis of data that
are too large to fit uncompressed into main memory.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import operator
from allel.compat import range

import numpy as np
import bcolz

from allel.model import GenotypeArray, HaplotypeArray, AlleleCountsArray, \
    SortedIndex, SortedMultiIndex, subset, VariantTable
from allel.constants import DIM_PLOIDY
from allel.util import asarray_ndim

__all__ = ['GenotypeCArray', 'HaplotypeCArray', 'AlleleCountsCArray']

[docs]def carray_block_map(carr, f, out=None, blen=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('expectedlen', carr.shape[0]) if blen is None: blen = carr.chunklen for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] res = f(block) if out is None: out = bcolz.carray(res, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out
[docs]def carray_block_sum(carr, axis=None, blen=None, transform=None): if blen is None: blen = carr.chunklen if axis is None: out = 0 for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] if transform: block = transform(block) out += np.sum(block) return out elif axis == 0 or axis == (0, 2): out = np.zeros((carr.shape[1],), dtype=int) for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] if transform: block = transform(block) out += np.sum(block, axis=0) return out elif axis == 1 or axis == (1, 2): out = np.zeros((carr.shape[0],), dtype=int) for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] if transform: block = transform(block) out[i:i+blen] += np.sum(block, axis=1) return out else: raise NotImplementedError('axis not supported: %s' % axis)
[docs]def carray_block_max(carr, axis=None, blen=None): if blen is None: blen = carr.chunklen out = None if axis is None: for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] m = np.max(block) if out is None: out = m else: out = m if m > out else out return out elif axis == 0 or axis == (0, 2): for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] m = np.max(block, axis=axis) if out is None: out = m else: out = np.where(m > out, m, out) return out elif axis == 1 or axis == (1, 2): out = np.zeros((carr.shape[0],), dtype=int) for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] out[i:i+blen] = np.max(block, axis=axis) return out else: raise NotImplementedError('axis not supported: %s' % axis)
[docs]def carray_block_min(carr, axis=None, blen=None): if blen is None: blen = carr.chunklen out = None if axis is None: for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] m = np.min(block) if out is None: out = m else: out = m if m < out else out return out elif axis == 0 or axis == (0, 2): for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] m = np.min(block, axis=axis) if out is None: out = m else: out = np.where(m < out, m, out) return out elif axis == 1 or axis == (1, 2): out = np.zeros((carr.shape[0],), dtype=int) for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] out[i:i+blen] = np.min(block, axis=axis) return out else: raise NotImplementedError('axis not supported: %s' % axis)
[docs]def carray_block_compress(carr, condition, axis, blen=None, **kwargs): if blen is None: blen = carr.chunklen # check inputs condition = asarray_ndim(condition, 1) if axis == 0: if condition.size != carr.shape[0]: raise ValueError('length of condition must match length of ' 'first dimension; expected %s, found %s' % (carr.shape[0], condition.size)) # setup output kwargs.setdefault('dtype', carr.dtype) kwargs.setdefault('expectedlen', np.count_nonzero(condition)) out = bcolz.zeros((0,) + carr.shape[1:], **kwargs) # build output for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] bcond = condition[i:i+blen] out.append(np.compress(bcond, block, axis=0)) return out elif axis == 1: if condition.size != carr.shape[1]: raise ValueError('length of condition must match length of ' 'second dimension; expected %s, found %s' % (carr.shape[1], condition.size)) # setup output kwargs.setdefault('dtype', carr.dtype) kwargs.setdefault('expectedlen', carr.shape[0]) out = bcolz.zeros((0, np.count_nonzero(condition)) + carr.shape[2:], **kwargs) # build output for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] out.append(np.compress(condition, block, axis=1)) return out else: raise NotImplementedError('axis not supported: %s' % axis)
[docs]def carray_block_take(carr, indices, axis, **kwargs): # check inputs indices = asarray_ndim(indices, 1) if axis == 0: condition = np.zeros((carr.shape[0],), dtype=bool) condition[indices] = True return carray_block_compress(carr, condition, axis=0, **kwargs) elif axis == 1: condition = np.zeros((carr.shape[1],), dtype=bool) condition[indices] = True return carray_block_compress(carr, condition, axis=1, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError('axis not supported: %s' % axis)
[docs]def ctable_block_compress(ctbl, condition, blen=None, **kwargs): if blen is None: blen = min(ctbl[col].chunklen for col in ctbl.cols) # check inputs condition = asarray_ndim(condition, 1) if condition.size != ctbl.shape[0]: raise ValueError('length of condition must match length of ' 'table; expected %s, found %s' % (ctbl.shape[0], condition.size)) # setup output kwargs.setdefault('expectedlen', np.count_nonzero(condition)) out = None # build output for i in range(0, ctbl.shape[0], blen): block = ctbl[i:i+blen] bcond = condition[i:i+blen] res = np.compress(bcond, block, axis=0) if out is None: out = bcolz.ctable(res, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out
[docs]def ctable_block_take(ctbl, indices, **kwargs): indices = asarray_ndim(indices, 1) condition = np.zeros((ctbl.shape[0],), dtype=bool) condition[indices] = True return ctable_block_compress(ctbl, condition, **kwargs)
def carray_block_subset(carr, sel0, sel1, blen=None, **kwargs): if blen is None: blen = carr.chunklen # check inputs sel0 = asarray_ndim(sel0, 1, allow_none=True) sel1 = asarray_ndim(sel1, 1, allow_none=True) if sel0 is None and sel1 is None: raise ValueError('missing selection') # if either selection is None, use take/compress if sel1 is None: if sel0.size < carr.shape[0]: return carray_block_take(carr, sel0, axis=0, **kwargs) else: return carray_block_compress(carr, sel0, axis=0, **kwargs) elif sel0 is None: if sel1.size < carr.shape[1]: return carray_block_take(carr, sel1, axis=1, **kwargs) else: return carray_block_compress(carr, sel1, axis=1, **kwargs) # ensure boolean array for dim 0 if sel0.size < carr.shape[0]: tmp = np.zeros((carr.shape[0],), dtype=bool) tmp[sel0] = True sel0 = tmp # ensure indices for dim 1 if sel1.size == carr.shape[1]: sel1 = np.nonzero(sel1)[0] # setup output kwargs.setdefault('dtype', carr.dtype) kwargs.setdefault('expectedlen', np.count_nonzero(sel0)) out = bcolz.zeros((0, sel1.size) + carr.shape[2:], **kwargs) # build output for i in range(0, carr.shape[0], blen): block = carr[i:i+blen] bsel0 = sel0[i:i+blen] out.append(subset(block, bsel0, sel1)) return out
[docs]def carray_from_hdf5(*args, **kwargs): """TODO """ import h5py h5f = None if len(args) == 1: dataset = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: file_path, node_path = args h5f = h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') try: dataset = h5f[node_path] except: h5f.close() raise else: raise ValueError('bad arguments; expected dataset or (file_path, ' 'node_path), found %s' % repr(args)) try: if not isinstance(dataset, h5py.Dataset): raise ValueError('expected dataset, found %r' % dataset) start = kwargs.pop('start', 0) stop = kwargs.pop('stop', dataset.shape[0]) # setup output data kwargs.setdefault('expectedlen', dataset.shape[0]) kwargs.setdefault('dtype', dataset.dtype) data = bcolz.zeros((0,) + dataset.shape[1:], **kwargs) # load block-wise if hasattr(dataset, 'chunks'): # use input chunk length bs = dataset.chunks[0] else: # use output chunk length bs = data.chunklen for i in range(start, stop, bs): j = min(i + bs, stop) chunk = dataset[i:j] data.append(chunk) return data finally: if h5f is not None: h5f.close()
[docs]def ctable_from_hdf5_group(*args, **kwargs): """TODO """ import h5py h5f = None if len(args) == 1: group = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: file_path, node_path = args h5f = h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') try: group = h5f[node_path] except: h5f.close() raise else: raise ValueError('bad arguments; expected group or (file_path, ' 'node_path), found %s' % repr(args)) try: if not isinstance(group, h5py.Group): raise ValueError('expected group, found %r' % group) # determine dataset names to load available_dataset_names = [n for n in group.keys() if isinstance(group[n], h5py.Dataset)] names = kwargs.pop('names', available_dataset_names) for n in names: if n not in set(group.keys()): raise ValueError('name not found: %s' % n) if not isinstance(group[n], h5py.Dataset): raise ValueError('name does not refer to a dataset: %s, %r' % (n, group[n])) # check datasets are aligned datasets = [group[n] for n in names] length = datasets[0].shape[0] for d in datasets[1:]: if d.shape[0] != length: raise ValueError('datasets must be of equal length') # determine start and stop parameters for load start = kwargs.pop('start', 0) stop = kwargs.pop('stop', length) # setup output data kwargs.setdefault('expectedlen', length) bs = max([d.chunks[0] for d in datasets if hasattr(d, 'chunks')]) data = None # load block-wise for i in range(start, stop, bs): j = min(i + bs, stop) columns = [d[i:j] for d in datasets] if data is None: data = bcolz.ctable(columns, names=names, **kwargs) else: data.append(columns) return data finally: if h5f is not None: h5f.close()
class _CArrayWrapper(object): def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.carr[key] = value def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self.carr, item) def __setattr__(self, key, value): setattr(self.carr, key, value) def __array__(self): return self.carr[:] def __repr__(self): s = repr(self.carr) s = type(self).__name__ + s[6:] return s @classmethod def open(cls, rootdir, mode='r'): cobj =, mode=mode) if isinstance(cobj, bcolz.carray): return cls(cobj, copy=False) else: raise ValueError('rootdir does not contain a carray') def max(self, axis=None): return carray_block_max(self.carr, axis=axis) def min(self, axis=None): return carray_block_min(self.carr, axis=axis) def compare_scalar(self, op, other, **kwargs): if not np.isscalar(other): raise NotImplementedError('only supported for scalars') # build output f = lambda data: op(data, other) out = carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) return out def __eq__(self, other): return self.compare_scalar(operator.eq, other) def __ne__(self, other): return self.compare_scalar(, other) def __lt__(self, other): return self.compare_scalar(, other) def __gt__(self, other): return self.compare_scalar(, other) def __le__(self, other): return self.compare_scalar(operator.le, other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.compare_scalar(, other) @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, *args, **kwargs): data = carray_from_hdf5(*args, **kwargs) return cls(data, copy=False)
[docs]class GenotypeCArray(_CArrayWrapper): """Alternative implementation of the :class:`allel.model.GenotypeArray` interface, using a :class:`bcolz.carray` as the backing store. Parameters ---------- data : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy), optional Data to initialise the array with. May be a bcolz carray, which will not be copied if copy=False. May also be None, in which case rootdir must be provided (disk-based array). copy : bool, optional If True, copy the input data into a new bcolz carray. **kwargs : keyword arguments Passed through to the bcolz carray constructor. Examples -------- Instantiate a compressed genotype array from existing data:: >>> import allel >>> g = allel.bcolz.GenotypeCArray([[[0, 0], [0, 1]], ... [[0, 1], [1, 1]], ... [[0, 2], [-1, -1]]], dtype='i1') >>> g GenotypeCArray((3, 2, 2), int8) nbytes: 12; cbytes: 16.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [[[ 0 0] [ 0 1]] [[ 0 1] [ 1 1]] [[ 0 2] [-1 -1]]] Obtain a numpy ndarray from a compressed array by slicing:: >>> g[:] GenotypeArray((3, 2, 2), dtype=int8) [[[ 0 0] [ 0 1]] [[ 0 1] [ 1 1]] [[ 0 2] [-1 -1]]] Build incrementally:: >>> import bcolz >>> data = bcolz.zeros((0, 2, 2), dtype='i1') >>> data.append([[0, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> data.append([[0, 1], [1, 1]]) >>> data.append([[0, 2], [-1, -1]]) >>> g = allel.bcolz.GenotypeCArray(data, copy=False) >>> g GenotypeCArray((3, 2, 2), int8) nbytes: 12; cbytes: 16.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [[[ 0 0] [ 0 1]] [[ 0 1] [ 1 1]] [[ 0 2] [-1 -1]]] Load from HDF5:: >>> import h5py >>> with h5py.File('example.h5', mode='w') as h5f: ... h5f.create_dataset('genotype', ... data=[[[0, 0], [0, 1]], ... [[0, 1], [1, 1]], ... [[0, 2], [-1, -1]]], ... dtype='i1', ... chunks=(2, 2, 2)) ... <HDF5 dataset "genotype": shape (3, 2, 2), type "|i1"> >>> g = allel.bcolz.GenotypeCArray.from_hdf5('example.h5', 'genotype') >>> g GenotypeCArray((3, 2, 2), int8) nbytes: 12; cbytes: 16.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [[[ 0 0] [ 0 1]] [[ 0 1] [ 1 1]] [[ 0 2] [-1 -1]]] Note that methods of this class will return bcolz carrays rather than numpy ndarrays where possible. E.g.:: >>> g.take([0, 2], axis=0) GenotypeCArray((2, 2, 2), int8) nbytes: 8; cbytes: 16.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [[[ 0 0] [ 0 1]] [[ 0 2] [-1 -1]]] >>> g.is_called() carray((3, 2), bool) nbytes: 6; cbytes: 16.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [[ True True] [ True True] [ True False]] >>> g.to_haplotypes() HaplotypeCArray((3, 4), int8) nbytes: 12; cbytes: 16.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [[ 0 0 0 1] [ 0 1 1 1] [ 0 2 -1 -1]] >>> g.count_alleles() AlleleCountsCArray((3, 3), int32) nbytes: 36; cbytes: 16.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [[3 1 0] [1 3 0] [1 0 1]] """ @staticmethod def check_input_data(obj): # check dtype if obj.dtype.kind not in 'ui': raise TypeError('integer dtype required') # check dimensionality if hasattr(obj, 'ndim'): ndim = obj.ndim else: ndim = len(obj.shape) if ndim != 3: raise TypeError('array with 3 dimensions required') # check length of ploidy dimension if obj.shape[DIM_PLOIDY] == 1: raise ValueError('use HaplotypeCArray for haploid calls') def __init__(self, data=None, copy=True, **kwargs): if copy or not isinstance(data, bcolz.carray): carr = bcolz.carray(data, **kwargs) else: carr = data # check late to avoid creating an intermediate numpy array self.check_input_data(carr) object.__setattr__(self, 'carr', carr) def __getitem__(self, *args): out = self.carr.__getitem__(*args) if hasattr(out, 'ndim') and out.ndim == 3: out = GenotypeArray(out, copy=False) return out @property def n_variants(self): return self.carr.shape[0] @property def n_samples(self): return self.carr.shape[1] @property def ploidy(self): return self.carr.shape[2] def compress(self, condition, axis, **kwargs): carr = carray_block_compress(self.carr, condition, axis, **kwargs) return GenotypeCArray(carr, copy=False) def take(self, indices, axis, **kwargs): carr = carray_block_take(self.carr, indices, axis, **kwargs) return GenotypeCArray(carr, copy=False) def subset(self, variants, samples, **kwargs): carr = carray_block_subset(self.carr, variants, samples, **kwargs) return GenotypeCArray(carr, copy=False) def is_called(self, **kwargs): f = lambda data: GenotypeArray(data, copy=False).is_called() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_missing(self, **kwargs): f = lambda data: GenotypeArray(data, copy=False).is_missing() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_hom(self, allele=None, **kwargs): f = lambda data: GenotypeArray(data, copy=False).is_hom(allele=allele) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_hom_ref(self, **kwargs): f = lambda data: GenotypeArray(data, copy=False).is_hom_ref() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_hom_alt(self, **kwargs): f = lambda data: GenotypeArray(data, copy=False).is_hom_alt() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_het(self, **kwargs): f = lambda data: GenotypeArray(data, copy=False).is_het() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_call(self, call, **kwargs): f = lambda data: GenotypeArray(data, copy=False).is_call(call) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def count_called(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: GenotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_called() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_missing(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: GenotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_missing() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_hom(self, allele=None, axis=None): def f(block): g = GenotypeArray(block, copy=False) return g.is_hom(allele=allele) return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_hom_ref(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: GenotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_hom_ref() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_hom_alt(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: GenotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_hom_alt() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_het(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: GenotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_het() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_call(self, call, axis=None): def f(block): g = GenotypeArray(block, copy=False) return g.is_call(call=call) return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def to_haplotypes(self, **kwargs): # Unfortunately this cannot be implemented as a lightweight view, # so we have to copy. # build output f = lambda block: block.reshape((block.shape[0], -1)) out = carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) return HaplotypeCArray(out, copy=False) def to_n_alt(self, fill=0, **kwargs): f = lambda data: GenotypeArray(data, copy=False).to_n_alt(fill) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def to_allele_counts(self, alleles=None, **kwargs): # determine alleles to count if alleles is None: m = self.max() alleles = list(range(m+1)) # build output def f(block): g = GenotypeArray(block, copy=False) return g.to_allele_counts(alleles) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def to_packed(self, boundscheck=True, **kwargs): if self.ploidy != 2: raise ValueError('can only pack diploid calls') if boundscheck: amx = self.max() if amx > 14: raise ValueError('max allele for packing is 14, found %s' % amx) amn = self.min() if amn < -1: raise ValueError('min allele for packing is -1, found %s' % amn) # build output def f(block): g = GenotypeArray(block, copy=False) return g.to_packed(boundscheck=False) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) @staticmethod def from_packed(packed, **kwargs): # check input if not isinstance(packed, (np.ndarray, bcolz.carray)): packed = np.asarray(packed) # set up output kwargs.setdefault('dtype', 'i1') kwargs.setdefault('expectedlen', packed.shape[0]) out = bcolz.zeros((0, packed.shape[1], 2), **kwargs) blen = out.chunklen # build output def f(block): return GenotypeArray.from_packed(block) carray_block_map(packed, f, out=out, blen=blen) return GenotypeCArray(out, copy=False) def count_alleles(self, max_allele=None, **kwargs): # if max_allele not specified, count all alleles if max_allele is None: max_allele = self.max() def f(block): g = GenotypeArray(block, copy=False) return g.count_alleles(max_allele=max_allele) out = carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) return AlleleCountsCArray(out, copy=False)
[docs]class HaplotypeCArray(_CArrayWrapper): """Alternative implementation of the :class:`allel.model.HaplotypeArray` interface, using a :class:`bcolz.carray` as the backing store. Parameters ---------- data : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_haplotypes), optional Data to initialise the array with. May be a bcolz carray, which will not be copied if copy=False. May also be None, in which case rootdir must be provided (disk-based array). copy : bool, optional If True, copy the input data into a new bcolz carray. **kwargs : keyword arguments Passed through to the bcolz carray constructor. """ @staticmethod def check_input_data(obj): # check dtype if obj.dtype.kind not in 'ui': raise TypeError('integer dtype required') # check dimensionality if hasattr(obj, 'ndim'): ndim = obj.ndim else: ndim = len(obj.shape) if ndim != 2: raise TypeError('array with 2 dimensions required') def __init__(self, data=None, copy=True, **kwargs): if copy or not isinstance(data, bcolz.carray): carr = bcolz.carray(data, **kwargs) else: carr = data # check late to avoid creating an intermediate numpy array self.check_input_data(carr) object.__setattr__(self, 'carr', carr) def __getitem__(self, *args): out = self.carr.__getitem__(*args) if hasattr(out, 'ndim') and out.ndim == 2: out = HaplotypeArray(out, copy=False) return out @property def n_variants(self): """Number of variants (length of first array dimension).""" return self.carr.shape[0] @property def n_haplotypes(self): """Number of haplotypes (length of second array dimension).""" return self.carr.shape[1] def compress(self, condition, axis, **kwargs): carr = carray_block_compress(self.carr, condition, axis, **kwargs) return HaplotypeCArray(carr, copy=False) def take(self, indices, axis, **kwargs): carr = carray_block_take(self.carr, indices, axis, **kwargs) return HaplotypeCArray(carr, copy=False) def subset(self, variants, haplotypes, **kwargs): data = carray_block_subset(self.carr, variants, haplotypes, **kwargs) return HaplotypeCArray(data, copy=False) def to_genotypes(self, ploidy, **kwargs): # Unfortunately this cannot be implemented as a lightweight view, # so we have to copy. # check ploidy is compatible if (self.n_haplotypes % ploidy) > 0: raise ValueError('incompatible ploidy') # build output f = lambda block: block.reshape((block.shape[0], -1, ploidy)) carr = carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) g = GenotypeCArray(carr, copy=False) return g def is_called(self, **kwargs): return self.compare_scalar(, 0, **kwargs) def is_missing(self, **kwargs): return self.compare_scalar(, 0, **kwargs) def is_ref(self, **kwargs): return self.compare_scalar(operator.eq, 0, **kwargs) def is_alt(self, allele=None, **kwargs): if allele is None: return self.compare_scalar(, 0, **kwargs) else: return self.compare_scalar(operator.eq, allele, **kwargs) def is_call(self, allele, **kwargs): return self.compare_scalar(operator.eq, allele, **kwargs) def count_called(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: HaplotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_called() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_missing(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: HaplotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_missing() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_ref(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: HaplotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_ref() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_alt(self, axis=None): f = lambda block: HaplotypeArray(block, copy=False).is_alt() return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_call(self, allele, axis=None): def f(block): h = HaplotypeArray(block, copy=False) return h.is_call(allele=allele) return carray_block_sum(self.carr, axis=axis, transform=f) def count_alleles(self, max_allele=None, **kwargs): # if max_allele not specified, count all alleles if max_allele is None: max_allele = self.max() def f(block): h = HaplotypeArray(block, copy=False) return h.count_alleles(max_allele=max_allele) carr = carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) return AlleleCountsCArray(carr, copy=False)
[docs]class AlleleCountsCArray(_CArrayWrapper): """Alternative implementation of the :class:`allel.model.AlleleCountsArray` interface, using a :class:`bcolz.carray` as the backing store. Parameters ---------- data : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles), optional Data to initialise the array with. May be a bcolz carray, which will not be copied if copy=False. May also be None, in which case rootdir must be provided (disk-based array). copy : bool, optional If True, copy the input data into a new bcolz carray. **kwargs : keyword arguments Passed through to the bcolz carray constructor. """ @staticmethod def check_input_data(obj): # check dtype if obj.dtype.kind not in 'ui': raise TypeError('integer dtype required') # check dimensionality if hasattr(obj, 'ndim'): ndim = obj.ndim else: ndim = len(obj.shape) if ndim != 2: raise TypeError('array with 2 dimensions required') def __init__(self, data=None, copy=True, **kwargs): if copy or not isinstance(data, bcolz.carray): carr = bcolz.carray(data, **kwargs) else: carr = data # check late to avoid creating an intermediate numpy array self.check_input_data(carr) object.__setattr__(self, 'carr', carr) def __getitem__(self, *args): out = self.carr.__getitem__(*args) if hasattr(out, 'ndim') \ and out.ndim == 2 \ and out.shape[1] == self.n_alleles: # wrap only if number of alleles is preserved out = AlleleCountsArray(out, copy=False) return out @property def n_variants(self): """Number of variants (length of first array dimension).""" return self.carr.shape[0] @property def n_alleles(self): """Number of alleles (length of second array dimension).""" return self.carr.shape[1] def compress(self, condition, axis, **kwargs): carr = carray_block_compress(self.carr, condition, axis, **kwargs) if carr.shape[1] == self.shape[1]: return AlleleCountsCArray(carr, copy=False) else: return carr def take(self, indices, axis, **kwargs): carr = carray_block_take(self.carr, indices, axis, **kwargs) if carr.shape[1] == self.shape[1]: # alleles preserved, safe to wrap return AlleleCountsCArray(carr, copy=False) else: return carr def to_frequencies(self, fill=np.nan, **kwargs): def f(block): ac = AlleleCountsArray(block, copy=False) return ac.to_frequencies(fill=fill) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def allelism(self, **kwargs): def f(block): return AlleleCountsArray(block, copy=False).allelism() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_variant(self, **kwargs): def f(block): ac = AlleleCountsArray(block, copy=False) return ac.is_variant() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_non_variant(self, **kwargs): def f(block): ac = AlleleCountsArray(block, copy=False) return ac.is_non_variant() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_segregating(self, **kwargs): def f(block): ac = AlleleCountsArray(block, copy=False) return ac.is_segregating() return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_non_segregating(self, allele=None, **kwargs): def f(block): ac = AlleleCountsArray(block, copy=False) return ac.is_non_segregating(allele=allele) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_singleton(self, allele=1, **kwargs): def f(block): ac = AlleleCountsArray(block, copy=False) return ac.is_singleton(allele=allele) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def is_doubleton(self, allele=1, **kwargs): def f(block): ac = AlleleCountsArray(block, copy=False) return ac.is_doubleton(allele=allele) return carray_block_map(self.carr, f, **kwargs) def count_variant(self): return carray_block_sum(self.is_variant()) def count_non_variant(self): return carray_block_sum(self.is_non_variant()) def count_segregating(self): return carray_block_sum(self.is_segregating()) def count_non_segregating(self, allele=None): return carray_block_sum(self.is_non_segregating(allele=allele)) def count_singleton(self, allele=1): return carray_block_sum(self.is_singleton(allele=allele)) def count_doubleton(self, allele=1): return carray_block_sum(self.is_doubleton(allele=allele))
[docs]class VariantCTable(object): """Alternative implementation of the :class:`allel.model.VariantTable` interface, using a :class:`bcolz.ctable` as the backing store. Parameters ---------- data : tuple or list of column objects, optional The list of column data to build the ctable object. This can also be a pure NumPy structured array. May also be a bcolz ctable, which will not be copied if copy=False. May also be None, in which case rootdir must be provided (disk-based array). copy : bool, optional If True, copy the input data into a new bcolz ctable. index : string or pair of strings, optional If a single string, name of column to use for a sorted index. If a pair of strings, name of columns to use for a sorted multi-index. **kwargs : keyword arguments Passed through to the bcolz ctable constructor. Examples -------- Instantiate from existing data:: >>> import allel >>> chrom = [b'chr1', b'chr1', b'chr2', b'chr2', b'chr3'] >>> pos = [2, 7, 3, 9, 6] >>> dp = [35, 12, 78, 22, 99] >>> qd = [4.5, 6.7, 1.2, 4.4, 2.8] >>> vt = allel.bcolz.VariantCTable([chrom, pos, dp, qd], ... names=['CHROM', 'POS', 'DP', 'QD'], ... index=('CHROM', 'POS')) >>> vt VariantCTable((5,), [('CHROM', 'S4'), ('POS', '<i8'), ('DP', '<i8'), ('QD', '<f8')]) nbytes: 140; cbytes: 64.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [(b'chr1', 2, 35, 4.5) (b'chr1', 7, 12, 6.7) (b'chr2', 3, 78, 1.2) (b'chr2', 9, 22, 4.4) (b'chr3', 6, 99, 2.8)] Slicing rows returns :class:`allel.model.VariantTable`:: >>> vt[:2] VariantTable((2,), dtype=[('CHROM', 'S4'), ('POS', '<i8'), ('DP', '<i8'), ('QD', '<f8')]) [(b'chr1', 2, 35, 4.5) (b'chr1', 7, 12, 6.7)] Accessing columns returns :class:`allel.bcolz.VariantCTable`:: >>> vt[['DP', 'QD']] VariantCTable((5,), [('DP', '<i8'), ('QD', '<f8')]) nbytes: 80; cbytes: 32.00 KB; ratio: 0.00 cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname='blosclz') [(35, 4.5) (12, 6.7) (78, 1.2) (22, 4.4) (99, 2.8)] Use the index to locate variants: >>> loc = vt.index.locate_range(b'chr2', 1, 10) >>> vt[loc] VariantTable((2,), dtype=[('CHROM', 'S4'), ('POS', '<i8'), ('DP', '<i8'), ('QD', '<f8')]) [(b'chr2', 3, 78, 1.2) (b'chr2', 9, 22, 4.4)] """ # noqa def __init__(self, data=None, copy=True, index=None, **kwargs): if copy or not isinstance(data, bcolz.ctable): ctbl = bcolz.ctable(data, **kwargs) else: ctbl = data object.__setattr__(self, 'ctbl', ctbl) # initialise index if index is not None: if isinstance(index, str): index = SortedIndex(ctbl[index][:], copy=False) elif isinstance(index, (tuple, list)) and len(index) == 2: index = SortedMultiIndex(ctbl[index[0]][:], ctbl[index[1]][:], copy=False) else: raise ValueError('invalid index argument, expected string or ' 'pair of strings, found %s' % repr(index)) object.__setattr__(self, 'index', index) def __array__(self): return self.ctbl[:] def __getitem__(self, item): res = self.ctbl[item] if isinstance(res, np.ndarray) and res.dtype.names: return VariantTable(res, copy=False) if isinstance(res, bcolz.ctable): return VariantCTable(res, copy=False) return res def __getattr__(self, item): if hasattr(self.ctbl, item): return getattr(self.ctbl, item) elif item in self.names: return self.ctbl[item] def __repr__(self): s = repr(self.ctbl) s = type(self).__name__ + s[6:] return s def _repr_html_(self): # use implementation from pandas import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(self[:5]) # noinspection PyProtectedMember return df._repr_html_() @staticmethod def open(rootdir, mode='r'): cobj =, mode=mode) if isinstance(cobj, bcolz.ctable): return VariantCTable(cobj, copy=False) else: raise ValueError('rootdir does not contain a ctable') def display(self, n): # use implementation from pandas import pandas import IPython.display df = pandas.DataFrame(self[:n]) # noinspection PyProtectedMember html = df._repr_html_() IPython.display.display_html(html, raw=True) @property def n_variants(self): return len(self.ctbl) @property def names(self): return tuple(self.ctbl.names) def compress(self, condition, **kwargs): ctbl = ctable_block_compress(self.ctbl, condition, **kwargs) return VariantCTable(ctbl, copy=False) def take(self, indices, **kwargs): ctbl = ctable_block_take(self.ctbl, indices, **kwargs) return VariantCTable(ctbl, copy=False) def eval(self, expression, vm='numexpr', **kwargs): return self.ctbl.eval(expression, vm=vm, **kwargs) def query(self, expression, vm='numexpr'): condition = self.eval(expression, vm=vm) return self.compress(condition) @staticmethod def from_hdf5_group(*args, **kwargs): ctbl = ctable_from_hdf5_group(*args, **kwargs) return VariantCTable(ctbl, copy=False)