Source code for allel.model.dask

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module provides alternative implementations of array
classes defined in the :mod:`allel.model.ndarray` module, using
`dask.array <>`_ as the
computational engine.

Dask uses blocked algorithms and task scheduling to break up work into
smaller pieces, allowing computation over large datasets. It also uses
lazy evaluation, meaning that multiple operations can be chained together
into a task graph, reducing total memory requirements for intermediate
results, and only the tasks required to generate the requested
part of the final data set will be executed.

This module is experimental, if you find a bug please `raise an issue on GitHub

This module requires Dask >= 0.7.6.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import numpy as np
import dask.array as da

from allel.compat import copy_method_doc
from allel.model import ndarray as _ndarray

__all__ = ['GenotypeDaskArray', 'HaplotypeDaskArray', 'AlleleCountsDaskArray']

def get_chunks(data, chunks=None):
    """Try to guess a reasonable chunk shape to use for block-wise
    algorithms operating over `data`."""

    if chunks is None:

        if hasattr(data, 'chunklen') and hasattr(data, 'shape'):
            # bcolz carray, chunk first dimension only
            return (data.chunklen,) + data.shape[1:]

        elif hasattr(data, 'chunks') and hasattr(data, 'shape') and \
                len(data.chunks) == len(data.shape):
            # h5py dataset
            return data.chunks

            # fall back to something simple, ~1Mb chunks of first dimension
            row = np.asarray(data[0])
            chunklen = max(1, (2**20) // row.nbytes)
            if row.shape:
                chunks = (chunklen,) + row.shape
                chunks = (chunklen,)
            return chunks


        return chunks

def ensure_array_like(data):
    if not hasattr(data, 'shape') or not hasattr(data, 'dtype'):
        a = np.asarray(data)
        if len(a.shape) == 0:
            raise ValueError('not array-like')
        return a
        return data

def ensure_dask_array(data, chunks=None):
    if isinstance(data, da.Array):
        if chunks:
            data = data.rechunk(chunks)
        return data
        data = ensure_array_like(data)
        chunks = get_chunks(data, chunks)
        return da.from_array(data, chunks=chunks)

def view_subclass(darr, cls):
    """View a dask Array as an instance of a dask Array sub-class."""
    return cls(darr.dask,, chunks=darr.chunks,
               dtype=darr.dtype, shape=darr.shape)

# noinspection PyAbstractClass
class DaskArrayAug(da.Array):

    def from_array(cls, x, chunks=None, name=None, lock=False):
        # override this as a class method to allow sub-classes to return
        # instances of themselves

        # ensure array-like
        x = ensure_array_like(x)
        if hasattr(cls, 'check_input_data'):

        # determine chunks, guessing something reasonable if user does not
        # specify
        chunks = get_chunks(x, chunks)

        # create vanilla dask array
        darr = da.from_array(x, chunks=chunks, name=name, lock=lock)

        # view as sub-class
        return view_subclass(darr, cls)

    def __repr__(self):
        r = super(DaskArrayAug, self).__repr__()
        return '%s%s' % (type(self).__name__, r[10:])

    def compress(self, condition, axis=None):
        out = da.compress(condition, self, axis=axis)
        if len(out.shape) == len(self.shape):
            out = view_subclass(out, type(self))
        return out

    def take(self, indices, axis=None):
        out = da.take(self, indices, axis=axis)
        if len(out.shape) == len(self.shape):
            out = view_subclass(out, type(self))
        return out

    def subset(self, sel0=None, sel1=None):
        if sel0 is None and sel1 is None:
            out = self
        elif sel1 is None:
            out = self[sel0]
        elif sel0 is None:
            out = self[:, sel1]
            out = self[sel0][:, sel1]
        return view_subclass(out, type(self))

    def hstack(self, *others, **kwargs):
        others = tuple(ensure_dask_array(d) for d in others)
        tup = (self,) + others
        out = da.hstack(tup)
        return view_subclass(out, type(self))

    def vstack(self, *others, **kwargs):
        others = tuple(ensure_dask_array(d) for d in others)
        tup = (self,) + others
        out = da.vstack(tup)
        return view_subclass(out, type(self))

# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class GenotypeDaskArray(DaskArrayAug): """Dask genotype array. To instantiate from an existing array-like object, use :func:`GenotypeDaskArray.from_array`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GenotypeDaskArray, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._mask = None @staticmethod def check_input_data(x): if len(x.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('expected 3 dimensions') # don't check dtype now as it forces compute() def __getitem__(self, *args): out = super(GenotypeDaskArray, self).__getitem__(*args) if hasattr(out, 'shape') \ and len(self.shape) == len(out.shape) \ and self.shape[2] == out.shape[2]: # dimensionality and ploidy preserved out = view_subclass(out, GenotypeDaskArray) if self.mask is not None: # attempt to slice mask too m = self.mask.__getitem__(*args) out.mask = m return out def compute(self, **kwargs): a = super(GenotypeDaskArray, self).compute(**kwargs) g = _ndarray.GenotypeArray(a) if self.mask: m = self.mask.compute(**kwargs) g.mask = m return g def _repr_html_(self): return self[:6].compute().to_html_str(caption=repr(self)) @property def n_variants(self): return self.shape[0] @property def n_samples(self): return self.shape[1] @property def ploidy(self): return self.shape[2] @property def n_calls(self): return self.shape[0] * self.shape[1] @property def n_allele_calls(self): return self.shape[0] * self.shape[1] * self.shape[2] @property def mask(self): return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, mask): # ensure dask array mask = ensure_dask_array(mask, chunks=self.chunks[:2]) # check shape if mask.shape != self.shape[:2]: raise ValueError('mask has incorrect shape') # store self._mask = mask def _method(self, method_name, chunks=None, drop_axis=None, **kwargs): if chunks is None: # no shape change chunks = self.chunks if self.mask is None: # simple case, no mask def f(block): g = _ndarray.GenotypeArray(block) method = getattr(g, method_name) return method(**kwargs) out = self.map_blocks(f, chunks=chunks, drop_axis=drop_axis) else: # map with mask def f(block, bmask): g = _ndarray.GenotypeArray(block) g.mask = bmask[:, :, 0] method = getattr(g, method_name) return method(**kwargs) m = self.mask[:, :, None] out = da.map_blocks(f, self, m, chunks=chunks, drop_axis=drop_axis) return out def _method_drop_axis2(self, method_name, **kwargs): chunks = self.chunks[:2] return self._method(method_name, chunks=chunks, drop_axis=2, **kwargs) def fill_masked(self, value=-1): out = self._method('fill_masked', value=value) return view_subclass(out, GenotypeDaskArray) def is_called(self): return self._method_drop_axis2('is_called') def is_missing(self): return self._method_drop_axis2('is_missing') def is_hom(self, allele=None): return self._method_drop_axis2('is_hom', allele=allele) def is_hom_ref(self): return self._method_drop_axis2('is_hom_ref') def is_hom_alt(self): return self._method_drop_axis2('is_hom_alt') def is_het(self, allele=None): return self._method_drop_axis2('is_het', allele=allele) def is_call(self, call): return self._method_drop_axis2('is_call', call=call) def _count(self, method_name, axis, **kwargs): method = getattr(self, method_name) out = method(**kwargs).sum(axis=axis) if axis is None: # result is scalar, might as well compute now (also helps tests) return out.compute()[()] else: return out def count_called(self, axis=None): return self._count('is_called', axis) def count_missing(self, axis=None): return self._count('is_missing', axis) def count_hom(self, allele=None, axis=None): return self._count('is_hom', axis, allele=allele) def count_hom_ref(self, axis=None): return self._count('is_hom_ref', axis) def count_hom_alt(self, axis=None): return self._count('is_hom_alt', axis) def count_het(self, allele=None, axis=None): return self._count('is_het', axis, allele=allele) def count_call(self, call, axis=None): return self._count('is_call', axis, call=call) def count_alleles(self, max_allele=None, subpop=None): # if max_allele not specified, count all alleles if max_allele is None: max_allele = self.max().compute()[()] # deal with subpop if subpop: gd = self.take(subpop, axis=1) else: gd = self # determine output chunks - preserve axis0; change axis1, axis2 chunks = (gd.chunks[0], (1,)*len(gd.chunks[1]), (max_allele+1,)) if self.mask is None: # simple case, no mask def f(block): gb = _ndarray.GenotypeArray(block) return gb.count_alleles(max_allele=max_allele)[:, None, :] # map blocks and reduce out = gd.map_blocks(f, chunks=chunks).sum(axis=1) else: # map with mask def f(block, bmask): g = _ndarray.GenotypeArray(block) g.mask = bmask[:, :, 0] return g.count_alleles(max_allele=max_allele)[:, None, :] md = self.mask[:, :, None] out = da.map_blocks(f, gd, md, chunks=chunks).sum(axis=1) return view_subclass(out, AlleleCountsDaskArray) def count_alleles_subpops(self, subpops, max_allele=None): # if max_allele not specified, count all alleles if max_allele is None: max_allele = self.max().compute()[()] return {k: self.count_alleles(max_allele=max_allele, subpop=v) for k, v in subpops.items()} def to_packed(self, boundscheck=True): return self._method_drop_axis2('to_packed', boundscheck=boundscheck) @staticmethod def from_packed(packed, chunks=None): def f(block): return _ndarray.GenotypeArray.from_packed(block) packed = ensure_dask_array(packed, chunks) chunks = (packed.chunks[0], packed.chunks[1], (2,)) out = da.map_blocks(f, packed, chunks=chunks, new_axis=2) return view_subclass(out, GenotypeDaskArray) def map_alleles(self, mapping, **kwargs): def f(block, bmapping): g = _ndarray.GenotypeArray(block) m = bmapping[:, 0, :] return g.map_alleles(m) # obtain dask array mapping = da.from_array(mapping, chunks=(self.chunks[0], None)) # map blocks out = da.map_blocks(f, self, mapping[:, None, :], chunks=self.chunks) return view_subclass(out, GenotypeDaskArray) def to_allele_counts(self, alleles=None): # determine alleles to count if alleles is None: m = self.max().compute()[()] alleles = list(range(m+1)) chunks = (self.chunks[0], self.chunks[1], (len(alleles),)) return self._method('to_allele_counts', chunks=chunks, alleles=alleles) def to_gt(self, phased=False, max_allele=None): return self._method_drop_axis2('to_gt', phased=phased, max_allele=max_allele) def to_haplotypes(self): out = self.reshape(self.shape[0], -1) return view_subclass(out, HaplotypeDaskArray) def to_n_ref(self, fill=0, dtype='i1'): return self._method_drop_axis2('to_n_ref', fill=fill, dtype=dtype) def to_n_alt(self, fill=0, dtype='i1'): return self._method_drop_axis2('to_n_alt', fill=fill, dtype=dtype)
# copy docstrings copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.fill_masked, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.fill_masked) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.subset, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.subset) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.is_called, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.is_called) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.is_missing, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.is_missing) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.is_hom, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.is_hom) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.is_hom_ref, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.is_hom_ref) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.is_hom_alt, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.is_hom_alt) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.is_het, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.is_het) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.is_call, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.is_call) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.to_haplotypes, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.to_haplotypes) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.to_n_ref, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.to_n_ref) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.to_n_alt, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.to_n_alt) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.to_allele_counts, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.to_allele_counts) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.to_packed, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.to_packed) GenotypeDaskArray.from_packed.__doc__ = \ _ndarray.GenotypeArray.from_packed.__doc__ copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.count_alleles, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.count_alleles) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.count_alleles_subpops, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.count_alleles_subpops) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.to_gt, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.to_gt) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.map_alleles, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.map_alleles) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.hstack, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.hstack) copy_method_doc(GenotypeDaskArray.vstack, _ndarray.GenotypeArray.vstack) # noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class HaplotypeDaskArray(DaskArrayAug): """Dask haplotype array. To instantiate from an existing array-like object, use :func:`HaplotypeDaskArray.from_array`. """ @staticmethod def check_input_data(x): if len(x.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('expected 2 dimensions') # don't check dtype now as it forces compute() def __getitem__(self, *args): out = super(HaplotypeDaskArray, self).__getitem__(*args) if hasattr(out, 'shape') and len(self.shape) == len(out.shape): # dimensionality preserved out = view_subclass(out, HaplotypeDaskArray) return out def compute(self, **kwargs): a = super(HaplotypeDaskArray, self).compute(**kwargs) h = _ndarray.HaplotypeArray(a) return h def _repr_html_(self): return self[:6].compute().to_html_str(caption=repr(self)) @property def n_variants(self): return self.shape[0] @property def n_haplotypes(self): return self.shape[1] def to_genotypes(self, ploidy=2): # check ploidy is compatible if (self.n_haplotypes % ploidy) > 0: raise ValueError('incompatible ploidy') # mapper function def f(block): h = _ndarray.HaplotypeArray(block) return h.to_genotypes(ploidy) # rechunk across all columns to ensure chunk boundaries don't break # individuals hd = self.rechunk(chunks={1: self.n_haplotypes}) # determine output chunks chunks = (hd.chunks[0], hd.chunks[1], (ploidy,)) # map blocks out = hd.map_blocks(f, chunks=chunks, new_axis=2) return view_subclass(out, GenotypeDaskArray) def is_called(self): return self >= 0 def is_missing(self): return self < 0 def is_ref(self): return self == 0 def is_alt(self): return self > 0 def is_call(self, allele): return self == allele def count_called(self, axis=None): return self.is_called().sum(axis=axis) def count_missing(self, axis=None): return self.is_missing().sum(axis=axis) def count_ref(self, axis=None): return self.is_ref().sum(axis=axis) def count_alt(self, axis=None): return self.is_alt().sum(axis=axis) def count_call(self, allele, axis=None): return self.is_call(allele).sum(axis=axis) def count_alleles(self, max_allele=None, subpop=None): # if max_allele not specified, count all alleles if max_allele is None: max_allele = self.max().compute()[()] # deal with subpop if subpop: hd = self.take(subpop, axis=1) else: hd = self # determine output chunks - preserve axis0, change axis1, new axis2 chunks = (hd.chunks[0], (1,)*len(hd.chunks[1]), (max_allele+1,)) # mapper function def f(block): h = _ndarray.HaplotypeArray(block) return h.count_alleles(max_allele=max_allele)[:, None, :] # map blocks and reduce out = hd.map_blocks(f, chunks=chunks, new_axis=2).sum(axis=1) return view_subclass(out, AlleleCountsDaskArray) def count_alleles_subpops(self, subpops, max_allele=None): # if max_allele not specified, count all alleles if max_allele is None: max_allele = self.max().compute()[()] return {k: self.count_alleles(max_allele=max_allele, subpop=v) for k, v in subpops.items()} def map_alleles(self, mapping, **kwargs): def f(block, bmapping): h = _ndarray.HaplotypeArray(block) return h.map_alleles(bmapping) # obtain dask array mapping = da.from_array(mapping, chunks=(self.chunks[0], None)) # map blocks out = da.map_blocks(f, self, mapping, chunks=self.chunks) return view_subclass(out, HaplotypeDaskArray)
# copy docstrings copy_method_doc(HaplotypeDaskArray.to_genotypes, _ndarray.HaplotypeArray.to_genotypes) copy_method_doc(HaplotypeDaskArray.count_alleles, _ndarray.HaplotypeArray.count_alleles) copy_method_doc(HaplotypeDaskArray.count_alleles_subpops, _ndarray.HaplotypeArray.count_alleles_subpops) copy_method_doc(HaplotypeDaskArray.map_alleles, _ndarray.HaplotypeArray.map_alleles) # noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class AlleleCountsDaskArray(DaskArrayAug): """Dask allele counts array. To instantiate from an existing array-like object, use :func:`AlleleCountsDaskArray.from_array`. """ @staticmethod def check_input_data(x): if len(x.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('expected 2 dimensions') # don't check dtype now as it forces compute() def __getitem__(self, *args): out = super(AlleleCountsDaskArray, self).__getitem__(*args) if hasattr(out, 'shape') and len(self.shape) == len(out.shape) \ and self.shape[1] == out.shape[1]: # dimensionality and allele indices preserved out = view_subclass(out, AlleleCountsDaskArray) return out def compute(self, **kwargs): a = super(AlleleCountsDaskArray, self).compute(**kwargs) h = _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray(a) return h def _repr_html_(self): return self[:6].compute().to_html_str(caption=repr(self)) @property def n_variants(self): return self.shape[0] @property def n_alleles(self): return self.shape[1] def _method(self, method_name, chunks=None, drop_axis=None, **kwargs): if chunks is None: # no shape change chunks = self.chunks def f(block): ac = _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray(block) method = getattr(ac, method_name) return method(**kwargs) out = self.map_blocks(f, chunks=chunks, drop_axis=drop_axis) return out def _method_drop_axis1(self, method_name, **kwargs): chunks = self.chunks[:1] return self._method(method_name, chunks=chunks, drop_axis=1, **kwargs) def to_frequencies(self, fill=np.nan): return self._method('to_frequencies', chunks=self.chunks, fill=fill) def allelism(self): return self._method_drop_axis1('allelism') def max_allele(self): return self._method_drop_axis1('max_allele') def is_variant(self): return self._method_drop_axis1('is_variant') def is_non_variant(self): return self._method_drop_axis1('is_non_variant') def is_segregating(self): return self._method_drop_axis1('is_segregating') def is_non_segregating(self, allele=None): return self._method_drop_axis1('is_non_segregating', allele=allele) def is_singleton(self, allele=1): return self._method_drop_axis1('is_singleton', allele=allele) def is_doubleton(self, allele=1): return self._method_drop_axis1('is_doubleton', allele=allele) def is_biallelic(self): return self._method_drop_axis1('is_biallelic') def is_biallelic_01(self, min_mac=None): return self._method_drop_axis1('is_biallelic_01', min_mac=min_mac) def _count(self, method_name, **kwargs): method = getattr(self, method_name) # result is scalar, might as well compute now (also helps tests) return method(**kwargs).sum().compute()[()] def count_variant(self): return self._count('is_variant') def count_non_variant(self): return self._count('is_non_variant') def count_segregating(self): return self._count('is_segregating') def count_non_segregating(self, allele=None): return self._count('is_non_segregating', allele=allele) def count_singleton(self, allele=1): return self._count('is_singleton', allele=allele) def count_doubleton(self, allele=1): return self._count('is_doubleton', allele=allele) def map_alleles(self, mapping): def f(block, bmapping): ac = _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray(block) return ac.map_alleles(bmapping) # obtain dask array mapping = da.from_array(mapping, chunks=(self.chunks[0], None)) # map blocks out = da.map_blocks(f, self, mapping, chunks=self.chunks) return view_subclass(out, AlleleCountsDaskArray)
copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.allelism, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.allelism) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.max_allele, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.max_allele) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.map_alleles, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.map_alleles) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.to_frequencies, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.to_frequencies) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.is_variant, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.is_variant) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.is_non_variant, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.is_non_variant) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.is_segregating, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.is_segregating) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.is_non_segregating, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.is_non_segregating) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.is_singleton, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.is_singleton) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.is_doubleton, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.is_doubleton) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.is_biallelic, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.is_biallelic) copy_method_doc(AlleleCountsDaskArray.is_biallelic_01, _ndarray.AlleleCountsArray.is_biallelic_01)