Source code for allel.stats.fst

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import logging
import itertools

import numpy as np

from allel.util import asarray_ndim, check_dim0_aligned, ensure_dim1_aligned
from allel.model.ndarray import GenotypeArray
from allel.stats.window import windowed_statistic, moving_statistic
from allel.stats.diversity import mean_pairwise_difference, \
from allel.stats.misc import jackknife
from allel.chunked import get_blen_array

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
debug = logger.debug

[docs]def weir_cockerham_fst(g, subpops, max_allele=None, chunked=False, blen=None): """Compute the variance components from the analyses of variance of allele frequencies according to Weir and Cockerham (1984). Parameters ---------- g : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) Genotype array. subpops : sequence of sequences of ints Sample indices for each subpopulation. max_allele : int, optional The highest allele index to consider. chunked : bool, optional If True, use a block-wise implementation to avoid loading the entire input array into memory. blen : int, optional Block length to use for chunked implementation. Returns ------- a : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Component of variance between populations. b : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Component of variance between individuals within populations. c : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Component of variance between gametes within individuals. Examples -------- Calculate variance components from some genotype data:: >>> import allel >>> g = [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]], ... [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]], ... [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], ... [[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 1], [2, 2]], ... [[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, -1]]] >>> subpops = [[0, 1], [2, 3]] >>> a, b, c = allel.stats.weir_cockerham_fst(g, subpops) >>> a array([[ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , -0.125, -0.125], [-0.375, -0.375, 0. ]]) >>> b array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [-0.25 , -0.25 , 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 0.125 , 0.25 ], [ 0.41666667, 0.41666667, 0. ]]) >>> c array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0.125 , 0.25 , 0.125 ], [ 0.16666667, 0.16666667, 0. ]]) Estimate the parameter theta (a.k.a., Fst) for each variant and each allele individually:: >>> fst = a / (a + b + c) >>> fst array([[ 1. , 1. , nan], [ 0. , 0. , nan], [ nan, nan, nan], [ 0. , -0.5, -0.5], [-1.8, -1.8, nan]]) Estimate Fst for each variant individually (averaging over alleles):: >>> fst = (np.sum(a, axis=1) / ... (np.sum(a, axis=1) + np.sum(b, axis=1) + np.sum(c, axis=1))) >>> fst array([ 1. , 0. , nan, -0.4, -1.8]) Estimate Fst averaging over all variants and alleles:: >>> fst = np.sum(a) / (np.sum(a) + np.sum(b) + np.sum(c)) >>> fst -4.3680905886891398e-17 Note that estimated Fst values may be negative. """ # check inputs if not hasattr(g, 'shape') or not hasattr(g, 'ndim'): g = GenotypeArray(g, copy=False) if g.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('g must have three dimensions') if g.shape[2] != 2: raise NotImplementedError('only diploid genotypes are supported') # determine highest allele index if max_allele is None: max_allele = g.max() if chunked: # use a block-wise implementation blen = get_blen_array(g, blen) n_variants = g.shape[0] shape = (n_variants, max_allele + 1) a = np.zeros(shape, dtype='f8') b = np.zeros(shape, dtype='f8') c = np.zeros(shape, dtype='f8') for i in range(0, n_variants, blen): j = min(n_variants, i+blen) gb = g[i:j] ab, bb, cb = _weir_cockerham_fst(gb, subpops, max_allele) a[i:j] = ab b[i:j] = bb c[i:j] = cb else: a, b, c = _weir_cockerham_fst(g, subpops, max_allele) return a, b, c # noinspection PyPep8Naming
def _weir_cockerham_fst(g, subpops, max_allele): # check inputs g = GenotypeArray(g, copy=False) n_variants, n_samples, ploidy = g.shape n_alleles = max_allele + 1 # number of populations sampled r = len(subpops) n_populations = r debug('r: %r', r) # count alleles within each subpopulation ac = [g.count_alleles(subpop=s, max_allele=max_allele) for s in subpops] # stack allele counts from each sub-population into a single array ac = np.dstack(ac) assert ac.shape == (n_variants, n_alleles, n_populations) debug('ac: %s, %r', ac.shape, ac) # count number of alleles called within each population by summing # allele counts along the alleles dimension an = np.sum(ac, axis=1) assert an.shape == (n_variants, n_populations) debug('an: %s, %r', an.shape, an) # compute number of individuals sampled from each population n = an // 2 assert n.shape == (n_variants, n_populations) debug('n: %s, %r', n.shape, n) # compute the total number of individuals sampled across all populations n_total = np.sum(n, axis=1) assert n_total.shape == (n_variants,) debug('n_total: %s, %r', n_total.shape, n_total) # compute the average sample size across populations n_bar = np.mean(n, axis=1) assert n_bar.shape == (n_variants,) debug('n_bar: %s, %r', n_bar.shape, n_bar) # compute the term n sub C incorporating the coefficient of variation in # sample sizes n_C = (n_total - (np.sum(n**2, axis=1) / n_total)) / (r - 1) assert n_C.shape == (n_variants,) debug('n_C: %s, %r', n_C.shape, n_C) # compute allele frequencies within each population p = ac / an[:, np.newaxis, :] assert p.shape == (n_variants, n_alleles, n_populations) debug('p: %s, %r', p.shape, p) # compute the average sample frequency of each allele ac_total = np.sum(ac, axis=2) an_total = np.sum(an, axis=1) p_bar = ac_total / an_total[:, np.newaxis] assert p_bar.shape == (n_variants, n_alleles) debug('p_bar: %s, %r', p_bar.shape, p_bar) # add in some extra dimensions to enable broadcasting n_bar = n_bar[:, np.newaxis] n_C = n_C[:, np.newaxis] n = n[:, np.newaxis, :] p_bar = p_bar[:, :, np.newaxis] # compute the sample variance of allele frequencies over populations s_squared = ( np.sum(n * ((p - p_bar) ** 2), axis=2) / (n_bar * (r - 1)) ) assert s_squared.shape == (n_variants, n_alleles) debug('s_squared: %s, %r', s_squared.shape, s_squared) # remove extra dimensions for correct broadcasting p_bar = p_bar[:, :, 0] # compute the average heterozygosity over all populations # N.B., take only samples in subpops of interest gs = g.take(list(itertools.chain(*subpops)), axis=1) h_bar = [gs.count_het(allele=allele, axis=1) / n_total for allele in range(n_alleles)] h_bar = np.column_stack(h_bar) assert h_bar.shape == (n_variants, n_alleles) debug('h_bar: %s, %r', h_bar.shape, h_bar) # now comes the tricky bit... # component of variance between populations a = ((n_bar / n_C) * (s_squared - ((1 / (n_bar - 1)) * ((p_bar * (1 - p_bar)) - ((r - 1) * s_squared / r) - (h_bar / 4))))) assert a.shape == (n_variants, n_alleles) # component of variance between individuals within populations b = ((n_bar / (n_bar - 1)) * ((p_bar * (1 - p_bar)) - ((r - 1) * s_squared / r) - (((2 * n_bar) - 1) * h_bar / (4 * n_bar)))) assert b.shape == (n_variants, n_alleles) # component of variance between gametes within individuals c = h_bar / 2 assert c.shape == (n_variants, n_alleles) return a, b, c
[docs]def hudson_fst(ac1, ac2, fill=np.nan): """Calculate the numerator and denominator for Fst estimation using the method of Hudson (1992) elaborated by Bhatia et al. (2013). Parameters ---------- ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the first population. ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the second population. fill : float Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g., all allele calls are missing). Returns ------- num : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,) Divergence between the two populations minus average of diversity within each population. den : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,) Divergence between the two populations. Examples -------- Calculate numerator and denominator for Fst estimation:: >>> import allel >>> g = allel.model.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]], ... [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]], ... [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], ... [[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 1], [2, 2]], ... [[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, -1]]]) >>> subpops = [[0, 1], [2, 3]] >>> ac1 = g.count_alleles(subpop=subpops[0]) >>> ac2 = g.count_alleles(subpop=subpops[1]) >>> num, den = allel.stats.hudson_fst(ac1, ac2) >>> num array([ 1. , -0.16666667, 0. , -0.125 , -0.33333333]) >>> den array([ 1. , 0.5 , 0. , 0.625, 0.5 ]) Estimate Fst for each variant individually:: >>> fst = num / den >>> fst array([ 1. , -0.33333333, nan, -0.2 , -0.66666667]) Estimate Fst averaging over variants:: >>> fst = np.sum(num) / np.sum(den) >>> fst 0.1428571428571429 """ # flake8: noqa # check inputs ac1 = asarray_ndim(ac1, 2) ac2 = asarray_ndim(ac2, 2) check_dim0_aligned(ac1, ac2) ac1, ac2 = ensure_dim1_aligned(ac1, ac2) # calculate these once only an1 = np.sum(ac1, axis=1) an2 = np.sum(ac2, axis=1) # calculate average diversity (a.k.a. heterozygosity) within each # population within = (mean_pairwise_difference(ac1, an1, fill=fill) + mean_pairwise_difference(ac2, an2, fill=fill)) / 2 # calculate divergence (a.k.a. heterozygosity) between each population between = mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2, an1, an2, fill=fill) # define numerator and denominator for Fst calculations num = between - within den = between return num, den
[docs]def patterson_fst(aca, acb): """Estimator of differentiation between populations A and B based on the F2 parameter. Parameters ---------- aca : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population A. acb : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population B. Returns ------- num : ndarray, shape (n_variants,), float Numerator. den : ndarray, shape (n_variants,), float Denominator. Notes ----- See Patterson (2012), Appendix A. TODO check if this is numerically equivalent to Hudson's estimator. """ from allel.stats.admixture import patterson_f2, h_hat num = patterson_f2(aca, acb) den = num + h_hat(aca) + h_hat(acb) return num, den
[docs]def windowed_weir_cockerham_fst(pos, g, subpops, size=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None, windows=None, fill=np.nan, max_allele=None): """Estimate average Fst in windows over a single chromosome/contig, following the method of Weir and Cockerham (1984). Parameters ---------- pos : array_like, int, shape (n_items,) Variant positions, using 1-based coordinates, in ascending order. g : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) Genotype array. subpops : sequence of sequences of ints Sample indices for each subpopulation. size : int The window size (number of bases). start : int, optional The position at which to start (1-based). stop : int, optional The position at which to stop (1-based). step : int, optional The distance between start positions of windows. If not given, defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows. windows : array_like, int, shape (n_windows, 2), optional Manually specify the windows to use as a sequence of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. Overrides the size/start/stop/step parameters. fill : object, optional The value to use where there are no variants within a window. max_allele : int, optional The highest allele index to consider. Returns ------- fst : ndarray, float, shape (n_windows,) Average Fst in each window. windows : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows, 2) The windows used, as an array of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. counts : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows,) Number of variants in each window. """ # compute values per-variant a, b, c = weir_cockerham_fst(g, subpops, max_allele=max_allele) # define the statistic to compute within each window def average_fst(wa, wb, wc): return np.nansum(wa) / (np.nansum(wa) + np.nansum(wb) + np.nansum(wc)) # calculate average Fst in windows fst, windows, counts = windowed_statistic(pos, values=(a, b, c), statistic=average_fst, size=size, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, windows=windows, fill=fill) return fst, windows, counts
[docs]def windowed_hudson_fst(pos, ac1, ac2, size=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None, windows=None, fill=np.nan): """Estimate average Fst in windows over a single chromosome/contig, following the method of Hudson (1992) elaborated by Bhatia et al. (2013). Parameters ---------- pos : array_like, int, shape (n_items,) Variant positions, using 1-based coordinates, in ascending order. ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the first population. ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the second population. size : int, optional The window size (number of bases). start : int, optional The position at which to start (1-based). stop : int, optional The position at which to stop (1-based). step : int, optional The distance between start positions of windows. If not given, defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows. windows : array_like, int, shape (n_windows, 2), optional Manually specify the windows to use as a sequence of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. Overrides the size/start/stop/step parameters. fill : object, optional The value to use where there are no variants within a window. Returns ------- fst : ndarray, float, shape (n_windows,) Average Fst in each window. windows : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows, 2) The windows used, as an array of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. counts : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows,) Number of variants in each window. """ # compute values per-variants num, den = hudson_fst(ac1, ac2) # define the statistic to compute within each window def average_fst(wn, wd): return np.nansum(wn) / np.nansum(wd) # calculate average Fst in windows fst, windows, counts = windowed_statistic(pos, values=(num, den), statistic=average_fst, size=size, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, windows=windows, fill=fill) return fst, windows, counts
[docs]def windowed_patterson_fst(pos, ac1, ac2, size=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None, windows=None, fill=np.nan): """Estimate average Fst in windows over a single chromosome/contig, following the method of Patterson (2012). Parameters ---------- pos : array_like, int, shape (n_items,) Variant positions, using 1-based coordinates, in ascending order. ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the first population. ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the second population. size : int, optional The window size (number of bases). start : int, optional The position at which to start (1-based). stop : int, optional The position at which to stop (1-based). step : int, optional The distance between start positions of windows. If not given, defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows. windows : array_like, int, shape (n_windows, 2), optional Manually specify the windows to use as a sequence of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. Overrides the size/start/stop/step parameters. fill : object, optional The value to use where there are no variants within a window. Returns ------- fst : ndarray, float, shape (n_windows,) Average Fst in each window. windows : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows, 2) The windows used, as an array of (window_start, window_stop) positions, using 1-based coordinates. counts : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows,) Number of variants in each window. """ # compute values per-variants num, den = patterson_fst(ac1, ac2) # define the statistic to compute within each window def average_fst(wn, wd): return np.nansum(wn) / np.nansum(wd) # calculate average Fst in windows fst, windows, counts = windowed_statistic(pos, values=(num, den), statistic=average_fst, size=size, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, windows=windows, fill=fill) return fst, windows, counts
[docs]def blockwise_weir_cockerham_fst(g, subpops, blen, max_allele=None): """Estimate average Fst and standard error using the block-jackknife. Parameters ---------- g : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy) Genotype array. subpops : sequence of sequences of ints Sample indices for each subpopulation. blen : int Block size (number of variants). max_allele : int, optional The highest allele index to consider. Returns ------- fst : float Estimated value of the statistic using all data. se : float Estimated standard error. vb : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Value of the statistic in each block. vj : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Values of the statistic from block-jackknife resampling. """ # calculate per-variant values a, b, c = weir_cockerham_fst(g, subpops, max_allele=max_allele) # calculate overall estimate a_sum = np.nansum(a) b_sum = np.nansum(b) c_sum = np.nansum(c) fst = a_sum / (a_sum + b_sum + c_sum) # compute the numerator and denominator within each block num_bsum = moving_statistic(a, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) den_bsum = moving_statistic(a + b + c, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) # calculate the statistic values in each block vb = num_bsum / den_bsum # estimate standard error _, se, vj = jackknife((num_bsum, den_bsum), statistic=lambda n, d: np.sum(n) / np.sum(d)) return fst, se, vb, vj
[docs]def blockwise_hudson_fst(ac1, ac2, blen): """Estimate average Fst between two populations and standard error using the block-jackknife. Parameters ---------- ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the first population. ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the second population. blen : int Block size (number of variants). Returns ------- fst : float Estimated value of the statistic using all data. se : float Estimated standard error. vb : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Value of the statistic in each block. vj : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Values of the statistic from block-jackknife resampling. """ # calculate per-variant values num, den = hudson_fst(ac1, ac2, fill=np.nan) # calculate overall estimate fst = np.nansum(num) / np.nansum(den) # compute the numerator and denominator within each block num_bsum = moving_statistic(num, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) den_bsum = moving_statistic(den, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) # calculate the statistic values in each block vb = num_bsum / den_bsum # estimate standard error _, se, vj = jackknife((num_bsum, den_bsum), statistic=lambda n, d: np.sum(n) / np.sum(d)) return fst, se, vb, vj
[docs]def blockwise_patterson_fst(ac1, ac2, blen): """Estimate average Fst between two populations and standard error using the block-jackknife. Parameters ---------- ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the first population. ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles) Allele counts array from the second population. blen : int Block size (number of variants). Returns ------- fst : float Estimated value of the statistic using all data. se : float Estimated standard error. vb : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Value of the statistic in each block. vj : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Values of the statistic from block-jackknife resampling. """ # calculate per-variant values num, den = patterson_fst(ac1, ac2) # calculate overall estimate fst = np.nansum(num) / np.nansum(den) # compute the numerator and denominator within each block num_bsum = moving_statistic(num, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) den_bsum = moving_statistic(den, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) # calculate the statistic values in each block vb = num_bsum / den_bsum # estimate standard error _, se, vj = jackknife((num_bsum, den_bsum), statistic=lambda n, d: np.sum(n) / np.sum(d)) return fst, se, vb, vj