Source code for allel.stats.admixture

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from allel.model.ndarray import AlleleCountsArray
from allel.util import asarray_ndim, check_dim0_aligned
from allel.stats.window import moving_statistic
from allel.stats.misc import jackknife

import numpy as np

def h_hat(ac):
    """Unbiased estimator for h, where 2*h is the heterozygosity
    of the population.

    ac : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2)
        Allele counts array for a single population.

    h_hat : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)

    Used in Patterson (2012) for calculation of various statistics.


    # check inputs
    ac = asarray_ndim(ac, 2)
    assert ac.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported'

    # compute allele number
    an = ac.sum(axis=1)

    # compute estimator
    x = (ac[:, 0] * ac[:, 1]) / (an * (an - 1))

    return x

[docs]def patterson_f2(aca, acb): """Unbiased estimator for F2(A, B), the branch length between populations A and B. Parameters ---------- aca : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population A. acb : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population B. Returns ------- f2 : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,) Notes ----- See Patterson (2012), Appendix A. """ # check inputs aca = AlleleCountsArray(aca, copy=False) assert aca.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' acb = AlleleCountsArray(acb, copy=False) assert acb.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' check_dim0_aligned(aca, acb) # compute allele numbers sa = aca.sum(axis=1) sb = acb.sum(axis=1) # compute heterozygosities ha = h_hat(aca) hb = h_hat(acb) # compute sample frequencies for the alternate allele a = aca.to_frequencies()[:, 1] b = acb.to_frequencies()[:, 1] # compute estimator x = ((a - b) ** 2) - (ha / sa) - (hb / sb) return x
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def patterson_f3(acc, aca, acb): """Unbiased estimator for F3(C; A, B), the three-population test for admixture in population C. Parameters ---------- acc : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the test population (C). aca : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the first source population (A). acb : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the second source population (B). Returns ------- T : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,) Un-normalized f3 estimates per variant. B : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,) Estimates for heterozygosity in population C. Notes ----- See Patterson (2012), main text and Appendix A. For un-normalized f3 statistics, ignore the `B` return value. To compute the f3* statistic, which is normalized by heterozygosity in population C to remove numerical dependence on the allele frequency spectrum, compute ``np.sum(T) / np.sum(B)``. """ # check inputs aca = AlleleCountsArray(aca, copy=False) assert aca.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' acb = AlleleCountsArray(acb, copy=False) assert acb.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' acc = AlleleCountsArray(acc, copy=False) assert acc.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' check_dim0_aligned(aca, acb, acc) # compute allele number and heterozygosity in test population sc = acc.sum(axis=1) hc = h_hat(acc) # compute sample frequencies for the alternate allele a = aca.to_frequencies()[:, 1] b = acb.to_frequencies()[:, 1] c = acc.to_frequencies()[:, 1] # compute estimator T = ((c - a) * (c - b)) - (hc / sc) B = 2 * hc return T, B
[docs]def patterson_d(aca, acb, acc, acd): """Unbiased estimator for D(A, B; C, D), the normalised four-population test for admixture between (A or B) and (C or D), also known as the "ABBA BABA" test. Parameters ---------- aca : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2), Allele counts for population A. acb : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population B. acc : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population C. acd : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population D. Returns ------- num : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,) Numerator (un-normalised f4 estimates). den : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,) Denominator. Notes ----- See Patterson (2012), main text and Appendix A. For un-normalized f4 statistics, ignore the `den` return value. """ # check inputs aca = AlleleCountsArray(aca, copy=False) assert aca.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' acb = AlleleCountsArray(acb, copy=False) assert acb.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' acc = AlleleCountsArray(acc, copy=False) assert acc.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' acd = AlleleCountsArray(acd, copy=False) assert acd.shape[1] == 2, 'only biallelic variants supported' check_dim0_aligned(aca, acb, acc, acd) # compute sample frequencies for the alternate allele a = aca.to_frequencies()[:, 1] b = acb.to_frequencies()[:, 1] c = acc.to_frequencies()[:, 1] d = acd.to_frequencies()[:, 1] # compute estimator num = (a - b) * (c - d) den = (a + b - (2 * a * b)) * (c + d - (2 * c * d)) return num, den
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def moving_patterson_f3(acc, aca, acb, size, start=0, stop=None, step=None, normed=True): """Estimate F3(C; A, B) in moving windows. Parameters ---------- acc : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the test population (C). aca : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the first source population (A). acb : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the second source population (B). size : int The window size (number of variants). start : int, optional The index at which to start. stop : int, optional The index at which to stop. step : int, optional The number of variants between start positions of windows. If not given, defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows. normed : bool, optional If False, use un-normalised f3 values. Returns ------- f3 : ndarray, float, shape (n_windows,) Estimated value of the statistic in each window. """ # calculate per-variant values T, B = patterson_f3(acc, aca, acb) # calculate value of statistic within each block if normed: T_bsum = moving_statistic(T, statistic=np.nansum, size=size, start=start, stop=stop, step=step) B_bsum = moving_statistic(B, statistic=np.nansum, size=size, start=start, stop=stop, step=step) f3 = T_bsum / B_bsum else: f3 = moving_statistic(T, statistic=np.nanmean, size=size, start=start, stop=stop, step=step) return f3
[docs]def moving_patterson_d(aca, acb, acc, acd, size, start=0, stop=None, step=None): """Estimate D(A, B; C, D) in moving windows. Parameters ---------- aca : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2), Allele counts for population A. acb : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population B. acc : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population C. acd : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population D. size : int The window size (number of variants). start : int, optional The index at which to start. stop : int, optional The index at which to stop. step : int, optional The number of variants between start positions of windows. If not given, defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows. Returns ------- d : ndarray, float, shape (n_windows,) Estimated value of the statistic in each window. """ # calculate per-variant values num, den = patterson_d(aca, acb, acc, acd) # N.B., nans can occur if any of the populations have completely missing # genotype calls at a variant (i.e., allele number is zero). Here we # assume that is rare enough to be negligible. # compute the numerator and denominator within each window num_sum = moving_statistic(num, statistic=np.nansum, size=size, start=start, stop=stop, step=step) den_sum = moving_statistic(den, statistic=np.nansum, size=size, start=start, stop=stop, step=step) # calculate the statistic values in each block d = num_sum / den_sum return d
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def average_patterson_f3(acc, aca, acb, blen, normed=True): """Estimate F3(C; A, B) and standard error using the block-jackknife. Parameters ---------- acc : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the test population (C). aca : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the first source population (A). acb : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for the second source population (B). blen : int Block size (number of variants). normed : bool, optional If False, use un-normalised f3 values. Returns ------- f3 : float Estimated value of the statistic using all data. se : float Estimated standard error. z : float Z-score (number of standard errors from zero). vb : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Value of the statistic in each block. vj : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Values of the statistic from block-jackknife resampling. Notes ----- See Patterson (2012), main text and Appendix A. See Also -------- allel.stats.admixture.patterson_f3 """ # calculate per-variant values T, B = patterson_f3(acc, aca, acb) # N.B., nans can occur if any of the populations have completely missing # genotype calls at a variant (i.e., allele number is zero). Here we # assume that is rare enough to be negligible. # calculate overall value of statistic if normed: f3 = np.nansum(T) / np.nansum(B) else: f3 = np.nanmean(T) # calculate value of statistic within each block if normed: T_bsum = moving_statistic(T, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) B_bsum = moving_statistic(B, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) vb = T_bsum / B_bsum _, se, vj = jackknife((T_bsum, B_bsum), statistic=lambda t, b: np.sum(t) / np.sum(b)) else: vb = moving_statistic(T, statistic=np.nanmean, size=blen) _, se, vj = jackknife(vb, statistic=np.mean) # compute Z score z = f3 / se return f3, se, z, vb, vj
[docs]def average_patterson_d(aca, acb, acc, acd, blen): """Estimate D(A, B; C, D) and standard error using the block-jackknife. Parameters ---------- aca : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2), Allele counts for population A. acb : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population B. acc : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population C. acd : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, 2) Allele counts for population D. blen : int Block size (number of variants). Returns ------- d : float Estimated value of the statistic using all data. se : float Estimated standard error. z : float Z-score (number of standard errors from zero). vb : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Value of the statistic in each block. vj : ndarray, float, shape (n_blocks,) Values of the statistic from block-jackknife resampling. Notes ----- See Patterson (2012), main text and Appendix A. See Also -------- allel.stats.admixture.patterson_d """ # calculate per-variant values num, den = patterson_d(aca, acb, acc, acd) # N.B., nans can occur if any of the populations have completely missing # genotype calls at a variant (i.e., allele number is zero). Here we # assume that is rare enough to be negligible. # calculate overall estimate d_avg = np.nansum(num) / np.nansum(den) # compute the numerator and denominator within each block num_bsum = moving_statistic(num, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) den_bsum = moving_statistic(den, statistic=np.nansum, size=blen) # calculate the statistic values in each block vb = num_bsum / den_bsum # estimate standard error _, se, vj = jackknife((num_bsum, den_bsum), statistic=lambda n, d: np.sum(n) / np.sum(d)) # compute Z score z = d_avg / se return d_avg, se, z, vb, vj
# backwards compatibility blockwise_patterson_f3 = average_patterson_f3 blockwise_patterson_d = average_patterson_d