Source code for allel.chunked.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import operator
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

from allel.chunked import util as _util
from import ArrayWrapper, DisplayAsTable
from allel.model.ndarray import subset as _numpy_subset, NumpyRecArrayWrapper

[docs]def store(data, arr, start=0, stop=None, offset=0, blen=None): """Copy `data` block-wise into `arr`.""" # setup blen = _util.get_blen_array(data, blen) if stop is None: stop = len(data) else: stop = min(stop, len(data)) length = stop - start if length < 0: raise ValueError('invalid stop/start') # copy block-wise for bi in range(start, stop, blen): bj = min(bi+blen, stop) bl = bj - bi arr[offset:offset+bl] = data[bi:bj] offset += bl
[docs]def copy(data, start=0, stop=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Copy `data` block-wise into a new array.""" # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) blen = _util.get_blen_array(data, blen) if stop is None: stop = len(data) else: stop = min(stop, len(data)) length = stop - start if length < 0: raise ValueError('invalid stop/start') # copy block-wise out = None for i in range(start, stop, blen): j = min(i+blen, stop) block = data[i:j] if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(block, expectedlen=length, **kwargs) else: out.append(block) return out
[docs]def copy_table(tbl, start=0, stop=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='table', **kwargs): """Copy `tbl` block-wise into a new table.""" # setup names, columns = _util.check_table_like(tbl) storage = _util.get_storage(storage) blen = _util.get_blen_table(tbl, blen) if stop is None: stop = len(columns[0]) else: stop = min(stop, len(columns[0])) length = stop - start if length < 0: raise ValueError('invalid stop/start') # copy block-wise out = None for i in range(start, stop, blen): j = min(i+blen, stop) res = [c[i:j] for c in columns] if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, names=names, expectedlen=length, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out
[docs]def map_blocks(data, f, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Apply function `f` block-wise over `data`.""" # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) if isinstance(data, tuple): blen = max(_util.get_blen_array(d, blen) for d in data) else: blen = _util.get_blen_array(data, blen) if isinstance(data, tuple): _util.check_equal_length(*data) length = len(data[0]) else: length = len(data) # block-wise iteration out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) # obtain blocks if isinstance(data, tuple): blocks = [d[i:j] for d in data] else: blocks = [data[i:j]] # map res = f(*blocks) # store if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, expectedlen=length, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out
[docs]def reduce_axis(data, reducer, block_reducer, mapper=None, axis=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Apply an operation to `data` that reduces over one or more axes.""" # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) blen = _util.get_blen_array(data, blen) length = len(data) # normalise axis arg if isinstance(axis, int): axis = (axis,) # deal with 'out' kwarg if supplied, can arise if a chunked array is # passed as an argument to numpy.sum(), see also # kwarg_out = kwargs.pop('out', None) if kwarg_out is not None: raise ValueError('keyword argument "out" is not supported') if axis is None or 0 in axis: # two-step reduction out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) block = data[i:j] if mapper: block = mapper(block) res = reducer(block, axis=axis) if out is None: out = res else: out = block_reducer(out, res) if np.isscalar(out): return out elif len(out.shape) == 0: return out[()] else: return getattr(storage, create)(out, **kwargs) else: # first dimension is preserved, no need to reduce blocks out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) block = data[i:j] if mapper: block = mapper(block) r = reducer(block, axis=axis) if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(r, expectedlen=length, **kwargs) else: out.append(r) return out
[docs]def amax(data, axis=None, mapper=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Compute the maximum value.""" return reduce_axis(data, axis=axis, reducer=np.amax, block_reducer=np.maximum, mapper=mapper, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs)
[docs]def amin(data, axis=None, mapper=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Compute the minimum value.""" return reduce_axis(data, axis=axis, reducer=np.amin, block_reducer=np.minimum, mapper=mapper, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs)
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs]def asum(data, axis=None, mapper=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Compute the sum.""" return reduce_axis(data, axis=axis, reducer=np.sum, block_reducer=np.add, mapper=mapper, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs)
[docs]def count_nonzero(data, mapper=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Count the number of non-zero elements.""" return reduce_axis(data, reducer=np.count_nonzero, block_reducer=np.add, mapper=mapper, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs)
[docs]def compress(condition, data, axis=0, out=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Return selected slices of an array along given axis.""" # setup if out is not None: # argument is only there for numpy API compatibility raise NotImplementedError('out argument is not supported') storage = _util.get_storage(storage) blen = _util.get_blen_array(data, blen) length = len(data) nnz = count_nonzero(condition) if axis == 0: _util.check_equal_length(data, condition) # block iteration out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) bcond = np.asarray(condition[i:j]) # don't access any data unless we have to if np.any(bcond): block = np.asarray(data[i:j]) res = np.compress(bcond, block, axis=0) if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, expectedlen=nnz, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out elif axis == 1: # block iteration out = None condition = np.asanyarray(condition) for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) block = np.asarray(data[i:j]) res = np.compress(condition, block, axis=1) if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, expectedlen=length, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out else: raise NotImplementedError('axis not supported: %s' % axis)
[docs]def take(data, indices, axis=0, out=None, mode='raise', blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Take elements from an array along an axis.""" # setup if out is not None: # argument is only there for numpy API compatibility raise NotImplementedError('out argument is not supported') length = len(data) if axis == 0: # check that indices are strictly increasing indices = np.asanyarray(indices) if np.any(indices[1:] <= indices[:-1]): raise NotImplementedError( 'indices must be strictly increasing' ) # implement via compress() condition = np.zeros((length,), dtype=bool) condition[indices] = True return compress(condition, data, axis=0, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) elif axis == 1: # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) blen = _util.get_blen_array(data, blen) # block iteration out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) block = data[i:j] res = np.take(block, indices, axis=1, mode=mode) if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, expectedlen=length, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out else: raise NotImplementedError('axis not supported: %s' % axis)
[docs]def compress_table(condition, tbl, axis=None, out=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='table', **kwargs): """Return selected rows of a table.""" # setup if axis is not None and axis != 0: raise NotImplementedError('only axis 0 is supported') if out is not None: # argument is only there for numpy API compatibility raise NotImplementedError('out argument is not supported') storage = _util.get_storage(storage) names, columns = _util.check_table_like(tbl) blen = _util.get_blen_table(tbl, blen) _util.check_equal_length(columns[0], condition) length = len(columns[0]) nnz = count_nonzero(condition) # block iteration out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) bcond = condition[i:j] # don't access any data unless we have to if np.any(bcond): bcolumns = [c[i:j] for c in columns] res = [np.compress(bcond, c, axis=0) for c in bcolumns] if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, names=names, expectedlen=nnz, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out
[docs]def take_table(tbl, indices, axis=None, out=None, mode='raise', blen=None, storage=None, create='table', **kwargs): """Return selected rows of a table.""" # setup if axis is not None and axis != 0: raise NotImplementedError('only axis 0 is supported') if out is not None: # argument is only there for numpy API compatibility raise NotImplementedError('out argument is not supported') if mode is not None and mode != 'raise': raise NotImplementedError('only mode=raise is supported') names, columns = _util.check_table_like(tbl) length = len(columns[0]) # check that indices are strictly increasing indices = np.asanyarray(indices) if np.any(indices[1:] <= indices[:-1]): raise NotImplementedError( 'indices must be strictly increasing' ) # implement via compress() condition = np.zeros((length,), dtype=bool) condition[indices] = True return compress_table(condition, tbl, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs)
[docs]def subset(data, sel0=None, sel1=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Return selected rows and columns of an array.""" # TODO refactor sel0 and sel1 normalization with ndarray.subset # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) blen = _util.get_blen_array(data, blen) length = len(data) if sel0 is not None: sel0 = np.asanyarray(sel0) if sel1 is not None: sel1 = np.asanyarray(sel1) # ensure boolean array for dim 0 if sel0 is not None and sel0.dtype.kind != 'b': # assume indices, convert to boolean condition tmp = np.zeros(length, dtype=bool) tmp[sel0] = True sel0 = tmp # ensure indices for dim 1 if sel1 is not None and sel1.dtype.kind == 'b': # assume boolean condition, convert to indices sel1, = np.nonzero(sel1) # shortcuts if sel0 is None and sel1 is None: return copy(data, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) elif sel1 is None: return compress(sel0, data, axis=0, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) elif sel0 is None: return take(data, sel1, axis=1, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) # build output sel0_nnz = count_nonzero(sel0) out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) bsel0 = sel0[i:j] # don't access data unless we have to if np.any(bsel0): block = data[i:j] res = _numpy_subset(block, bsel0, sel1) if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, expectedlen=sel0_nnz, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out
[docs]def concatenate_table(tup, blen=None, storage=None, create='table', **kwargs): """Stack tables in sequence vertically (row-wise).""" # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) if not isinstance(tup, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError('expected tuple or list, found %r' % tup) if len(tup) < 2: raise ValueError('expected two or more tables to stack') # build output expectedlen = sum(len(t) for t in tup) out = None tnames = None for tdata in tup: tblen = _util.get_blen_table(tdata, blen) tnames, tcolumns = _util.check_table_like(tdata, names=tnames) tlen = len(tcolumns[0]) for i in range(0, tlen, tblen): j = min(i+tblen, tlen) bcolumns = [c[i:j] for c in tcolumns] if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(bcolumns, names=tnames, expectedlen=expectedlen, **kwargs) else: out.append(bcolumns) return out
[docs]def concatenate(tup, axis=0, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Concatenate arrays.""" # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) if not isinstance(tup, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError('expected tuple or list, found %r' % tup) if len(tup) < 2: raise ValueError('expected two or more arrays') if axis == 0: # build output expectedlen = sum(len(a) for a in tup) out = None for a in tup: ablen = _util.get_blen_array(a, blen) for i in range(0, len(a), ablen): j = min(i+ablen, len(a)) block = a[i:j] if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(block, expectedlen=expectedlen, **kwargs) else: out.append(block) else: def f(*blocks): return np.concatenate(blocks, axis=axis) out = map_blocks(tup, f, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) return out
[docs]def binary_op(data, op, other, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): """Compute a binary operation block-wise over `data`.""" # normalise scalars if hasattr(other, 'shape') and len(other.shape) == 0: other = other[()] if np.isscalar(other): def f(block): return op(block, other) return map_blocks(data, f, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) elif len(data) == len(other): def f(a, b): return op(a, b) return map_blocks((data, other), f, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError('argument type not supported')
# based on bcolz.chunked_eval def _get_expression_variables(expression, vm): cexpr = compile(expression, '<string>', 'eval') if vm == 'numexpr': # Check that var is not a numexpr function here. This is useful for # detecting unbound variables in expressions. This is not necessary # for the 'python' engine. from numexpr.expressions import functions as numexpr_functions return [var for var in cexpr.co_names if var not in ['None', 'False', 'True'] and var not in numexpr_functions] else: return [var for var in cexpr.co_names if var not in ['None', 'False', 'True']] # based on bcolz.chunked_eval
[docs]def eval_table(tbl, expression, vm='python', blen=None, storage=None, create='array', vm_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate `expression` against columns of a table.""" # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) names, columns = _util.check_table_like(tbl) length = len(columns[0]) if vm_kwargs is None: vm_kwargs = dict() # setup vm if vm == 'numexpr': import numexpr evaluate = numexpr.evaluate elif vm == 'python': # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def evaluate(expr, local_dict=None, **kw): # takes no keyword arguments return eval(expr, dict(), local_dict) else: raise ValueError('expected vm either "numexpr" or "python"') # compile expression and get required columns variables = _get_expression_variables(expression, vm) required_columns = {v: columns[names.index(v)] for v in variables} # determine block size for evaluation blen = _util.get_blen_table(required_columns, blen=blen) # build output out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) blocals = {v: c[i:j] for v, c in required_columns.items()} res = evaluate(expression, local_dict=blocals, **vm_kwargs) if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, expectedlen=length, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out
[docs]class ChunkedArrayWrapper(ArrayWrapper): """Wrapper class for chunked array-like data. Parameters ---------- data : array_like Data to be wrapped. May be a Zarr array, h5py dataset, or anything providing a similar interface. """ def __init__(self, data): data = _util.ensure_array_like(data) super(ChunkedArrayWrapper, self).__init__(data) @property def caption(self): r = '<%s' % type(self).__name__ r += ' shape=%s' % str(self.shape) r += ' dtype=%s' % str(self.dtype) if self.chunks is not None: r += ' chunks=%s' % str(self.chunks) if self.nbytes: r += '\n nbytes=%s' % _util.human_readable_size(self.nbytes) if self.cbytes: r += ' cbytes=%s' % _util.human_readable_size(self.cbytes) if self.cratio: r += ' cratio=%.1f' % self.cratio if self.compression: r += '\n compression=%s' % self.compression if self.compression_opts is not None: r += ' compression_opts=%s' % self.compression_opts values_cls = type(self.values) r += '\n values=%s.%s' % (values_cls.__module__, values_cls.__name__) r += '>' return r def __repr__(self): return self.caption @property def nbytes(self): return _util.get_nbytes(self.values) @property def cbytes(self): return _util.get_cbytes(self.values) @property def compression(self): return _util.get_compression(self.values) @property def compression_opts(self): return _util.get_compression_opts(self.values) @property def shuffle(self): return _util.get_shuffle(self.values) @property def chunks(self): return _util.get_chunks(self.values) @property def cratio(self): nbytes = self.nbytes cbytes = self.cbytes if nbytes and cbytes: return nbytes / cbytes return None # outputs from these methods are not wrapped store = store count_nonzero = count_nonzero def map_blocks(self, f, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): out = map_blocks(self, f, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def map_blocks_method(self, method_name, kwargs=None, **storage_kwargs): if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() def f(block): method = getattr(block, method_name) return method(**kwargs) out = self.map_blocks(f, **storage_kwargs) return out def copy(self, start=0, stop=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): out = copy(self, start=start, stop=stop, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) # can always wrap this as sub-class return type(self)(out) def binary_op(self, op, other, blen=None, storage=None, create='array', **kwargs): out = binary_op(self, op, other, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def __eq__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.eq, other, **kwargs) def __ne__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(, other, **kwargs) def __lt__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(, other, **kwargs) def __gt__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(, other, **kwargs) def __le__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.le, other, **kwargs) def __ge__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(, other, **kwargs) def __add__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.add, other, **kwargs) def __floordiv__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.floordiv, other, **kwargs) def __mod__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.mod, other, **kwargs) def __mul__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.mul, other, **kwargs) def __pow__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.pow, other, **kwargs) def __sub__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.sub, other, **kwargs) def __truediv__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.truediv, other, **kwargs) def __and__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.and_, other, **kwargs) def __lshift__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.lshift, other, **kwargs) def __or__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.or_, other, **kwargs) def __rshift__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.rshift, other, **kwargs) def __xor__(self, other, **kwargs): return self.binary_op(operator.xor, other, **kwargs) def compress(self, condition, axis=0, out=None, **kwargs): out = compress(condition, self.values, axis=axis, out=out, **kwargs) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def take(self, indices, axis=0, out=None, **kwargs): out = take(self.values, indices, axis=axis, out=out, **kwargs) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def subset(self, sel0=None, sel1=None, **kwargs): out = subset(self.values, sel0, sel1, **kwargs) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def concatenate(self, others, axis=0, **kwargs): if not isinstance(others, (tuple, list)): others = others, tup = (self,) + tuple(others) out = concatenate(tup, axis=axis, **kwargs) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def max(self, axis=None, **kwargs): out = amax(self, axis=axis, **kwargs) if np.isscalar(out): return out else: return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def min(self, axis=None, **kwargs): out = amin(self, axis=axis, **kwargs) if np.isscalar(out): return out else: return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def sum(self, axis=None, **kwargs): out = asum(self, axis=axis, **kwargs) if np.isscalar(out): return out else: return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out)
[docs]class ChunkedTableWrapper(DisplayAsTable): """Wrapper class for chunked table-like data. Parameters ---------- data: table_like Data to be wrapped. May be a tuple or list of columns (array-like), a dict mapping names to columns, h5py group, numpy recarray, or anything providing a similar interface. names : sequence of strings Column names. """ array_cls = NumpyRecArrayWrapper # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, data, names=None): names, columns = _util.check_table_like(data, names=names) # skip super-class constructor because we are more flexible about type of values here self._values = data self._names = names self._columns = columns self.rowcls = namedtuple('row', names) @property def names(self): return self._names @property def columns(self): return self._columns def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, str): # item is column name, return column idx = self._names.index(item) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(self._columns[idx]) elif isinstance(item, int): # item is row index, return row return self.rowcls(*(col[item] for col in self._columns)) elif isinstance(item, slice): # item is row slice, return numpy recarray start = 0 if item.start is None else item.start if start < 0: raise ValueError('negative indices not supported') stop = len(self) if item.stop is None else item.stop stop = min(stop, len(self)) step = 1 if item.step is None else item.step outshape = (stop - start) // step out = np.empty(outshape, dtype=self.dtype) for n, c in zip(self._names, self._columns): out[n] = c[start:stop:step] out = out.view(np.recarray) if self.array_cls is not None: out = self.array_cls(out) return out elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)) and \ all(isinstance(i, str) for i in item): # item is sequence of column names, return table columns = [self._columns[self._names.index(n)] for n in item] return type(self)(columns, names=item) else: raise IndexError('item not supported for indexing: %s' % repr(item)) def __array__(self, *args): a = np.asanyarray(self[:]) if args: a = a.astype(args[0]) return a def __getattr__(self, item): if item in self._names: idx = self._names.index(item) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(self._columns[idx]) else: return super(ChunkedTableWrapper, self).__getattr__(item) @property def caption(self): r = '<%s' % type(self).__name__ r += ' shape=%s' % str(self.shape) r += ' dtype=%s' % str(self.dtype) if self.nbytes: r += '\n nbytes=%s' % _util.human_readable_size(self.nbytes) if self.cbytes: r += ' cbytes=%s' % _util.human_readable_size(self.cbytes) if self.cratio: r += ' cratio=%.1f' % self.cratio values_cls = type(self.values) r += '\n values=%s.%s' % (values_cls.__module__, values_cls.__name__) r += '>' return r def __repr__(self): return self.caption def __len__(self): return len(self._columns[0]) @property def shape(self): return len(self), @property def ndim(self): return len(self.shape) @property def dtype(self): items = [] for n, c in zip(self._names, self._columns): # need to account for multidimensional columns t = (n, c.dtype) if len(c.shape) == 1 else \ (n, c.dtype, c.shape[1:]) items.append(t) return np.dtype(items) @property def nbytes(self): cols_nbytes = [_util.get_nbytes(c) for c in self._columns] if all(cols_nbytes): return sum(cols_nbytes) return None @property def cbytes(self): cols_cbytes = [_util.get_cbytes(c) for c in self._columns] if all(cols_cbytes): return sum(cols_cbytes) return None @property def cratio(self): nbytes = self.nbytes cbytes = self.cbytes if nbytes and cbytes: return nbytes / cbytes return None def copy(self, start=0, stop=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='table', **kwargs): out = copy_table(self, start=start, stop=stop, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) # can always wrap this return type(self)(out, names=self._names) def eval(self, expression, **kwargs): out = eval_table(self, expression, **kwargs) return ChunkedArrayWrapper(out) def query(self, expression, vm='python', blen=None, storage=None, create='table', vm_kwargs=None, **kwargs): condition = self.eval(expression, vm=vm, blen=blen, storage=storage, create='array', vm_kwargs=vm_kwargs) out = self.compress(condition, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) # should already be wrapped return out def compress(self, condition, axis=None, out=None, blen=None, storage=None, create='table', **kwargs): out = compress_table(condition, self, axis=axis, out=out, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) return type(self)(out) def take(self, indices, axis=None, out=None, mode='raise', blen=None, storage=None, create='table', **kwargs): out = take_table(self, indices, axis=axis, out=out, mode=mode, blen=blen, storage=storage, create=create, **kwargs) return type(self)(out)